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"The Profession of Arms"

TDS: South Park Death Threats

ButterflyKisses (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Whoa wait what? He said on the tapes that there was an addional bomb on the front seat he could set off with a pistol didn't he? But that wouldn't be the second larger bomb, would it? Early reporting can't generally be trusted by that's odd.
In reply to this comment by ButterflyKisses:
What about the bombs that were found inside the building? They didn't even cover that did they? How did he get those in there? I recall news coverage on this for a couple of hours that day. Story incomplete.

Who knows how to tell who up or down voted a comment? (User Poll by schmawy)

schmawy says...

^haha, Kymbos yes! I think it's important that we don't know. On a side note for the next VS release, it would be great if you could add this functionality to the voting arrows on the main listing, so you could see who voted without opening the post page itself.

Well, I guess if you don't know you can ask anybody, and these polls last a devilishly long time, 72 hours? That's like five days in siftime.


Who knows how to tell who up or down voted a comment? (User Poll by schmawy)

New Marmite Ads - The Love Party

Who knows how to tell who up or down voted a comment? (User Poll by schmawy)

schmawy says...

Dammit Choggie! Now ev'ybody knows. I know you've always hated comment voting. That's your cross to bear for telling controversial truths. Any troll worth his salt wears them as ribbons.

Creators Of South Park Receive Death Threats

Amazing Squirrel Fights off Crows - Protects Dead Friend

schmawy says...

I agree, or possibly a roadkill squirrel would have lots of scents and fluids emanating which would make other squirrels go sort of nutty.

>> ^sillma:

not that sad if you ask me. And he wasn't protecting the corpse, he wanted the meal for himself.

choggie (Member Profile)

New $100 Note Unveiling Video

The McVeigh Tapes

My First T-Shirt Virus Design!! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

The McVeigh Tapes

schmawy says...

So many of the monsters are made by us. Our own weapons turned against us. The pain and suffering of the survivors is overwhelming. This has happened in Iraq a thousand times over since then, but that doesn't seem to matter to many people. I think that's what disgusts me most.


Hitler orders a DMCA takedown

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