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Employee at Publix Follows Kids Around the Store

scannex says...

It is not appropriate to assume the operation of this guys mind. Hey may well follow around every kid that comes into his store with a backpack due to recent thefts.

it COULD be racist, or it could also be his default behavior for anyone younger than 'x' age in his store. Or heck, maybe he trusts no one.

To presume he is racist without any understanding of the man, better context, or insight into his behavior. is itself negative for race relations. It does nothing but drive the wedge.

8 Months pregnant woman tasered by police

scannex says...

Agree with above posters. If you are at all concerned with the welfare of your unborn child you had better be absolutely calm and compliant with the requests of a police officer.

The above scenario didn't magically escalate from car accident to a request to be on the ground despite what the video tries to depict.

10 Amazing Parenting Hacks

Shelley Lubben On Abuse In The Porn Industry - (Very NSFW)

scannex says...

This woman seems to be on some sort of crusade... A good number of her "references" for her statistics are based on her own works and her own "pink cross" foundation.
Bad things happening to people is well, bad... but this seems to be some bizzaro hobbled together series of clips of people crying or freaking out etc etc.
The segment at :58 seems pretty clearly to be an emotional response to the acting in the set (where planned choking was occurring), not physical abuse based on her relative composure in the following explanation.
The clip at 1:30 sounds like the other individual is acknowledging and attempting to accomodate the girl
Clip at 1:48 same thing, crew acknowledges a refusal
1:56 could be having a manic episode for all we know without context, and what we hear from the crew seems more empathetic than anything...

This really just seems like a bad attempt to rile a viewers for the goal of supporting a cause, but people here seem to be taking the bait.

Violence is violence... Porn starts would be legally protected like anyone else from being assaulted/abused in any way they did not agree to. Hate to say it, but this is like a coal miner suing for exposure to coal dust.
Industry regulations are well and good and it is very possible more are necessary, but this villian she is trying to create called "PORNNNN INDUSTRYYY" just doesn't hold up IMO.

CaptainPlanet (Member Profile)

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

hpqp I appreciate your tone shift in your last post. Sincerely.

I fear at this point that what is happening is that I have simply fielded too many concurrent arguments and I am not giving any of them the proper analysis before replying, this one included.
I am officially content to agree to disagree.

I do want to point out though that

3) Obesity is not like smoking. Yes, they are both health problems, but unlike smoking, being obese is not a behaviour . It can be caused/aggravated by certain behaviour, among many other factors.

Followed by

You go on in your second comment to, on your own admission, redefine what a behaviour is so it can suit your argument. Say the following phrase, out loud if need be, to realise how ridiculous your argument is:

I really believe it was you who created the straw man regarding behavior vs behavioral, and then claimed my rebuttal was ME attacking a strawman. Please re-examine this if you wish, and if someone else wants to carry the torch be my guest, but otherwise I will happily chalk it up to a misunderstanding.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

Thank you for clarifying. Yes of course that was the part of the argument I meant. The latter half statement you made is something I agree is not productive or appropriate.

Re the trivial jump: BMI is a imperfect scale to be sure. It does not account for exceptionally muscular people among other things. I think at a certain point we got disjointed on just what we were arguing with one another.
Perhaps my fault. In short my stance is this. BMI is not a clear indicator of much of anything. It, under many circumstances can provide excellent early warning or, in cases where people are already known to be overweight (clearly not muscular) provide a scale on which to measure the severity of their problem.
Details matter and circumstance matter, I would be a fool not to agree.

My specific question though was based on my deduction that your stance was: In people who are in the overwhelming majority (being that there are way more properly assessed clinically obese than body builders)that obesity was not a major risk factor for a myriad of other diseases.

If that was the wrong assessment of your position I will be overjoyed to hear it.

>> ^bmacs27:

While I agree we might not change each others' minds I'm not sure I'm entirely clear on which point in my last post you explicitly disagree with.
You believe it is trivial to jump from BMI to the healthiness of an individual? Would you stand by that claim in the case of, for example, extremely muscular athletes? Arnold has a BMI around 33 (Obese), is he doomed to future health complications as a result? I'm honestly shocked that someone that seems to keep appraised of the literature would put so much emphasis on such a flawed measure of overall health. Clearly there are interacting risk factors, no?
>> ^scannex:
Cheers to you as well Bmacs, while we disagree on that point I appreciate the conversation.
I think we are at an impasse however, and will need to agree to disagree.
The best to you though.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

Cheers to you as well Bmacs, while we disagree on that point I appreciate the conversation.
I think we are at an impasse however, and will need to agree to disagree.
The best to you though.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

I wouldn't bother fighting this point with him gwiz. If you do a ctrl-f on the page, people have been pretty consistently calling it a behavioral problem, which you agree it is or at least can be.
Hes just trying to use semantics to discredit an argument... for some reason.
>> ^gwiz665:

OK sure, being obese is not a behavior, but getting can certainly be. Being obese is a state. But staying obese can be a lack of proper actions, which is also a behavior.
>> ^hpqp:
>> ^gwiz665:
It is for me. I'm working on it though, 5 kilos off so far..
>> ^hpqp:
being obese is not a behaviour.

It's still a condition and not a behaviour. Eating (healthily or not), exercising (or couchwarming with one's posterior), etc., those are behaviours. As for a being a fatcat like you, well now that's just plain attitude.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

Direct question then.
Is it your stance that claiming there are negative health consequences from being obese is erroneous?
Is it your stance that there is insufficent data to show a causal link between being significantly overweight (obese) and health problems?

>> ^bmacs27:

@scannex The claim is that many of the negative health consequences associated with obesity, e.g. cardiac arrest, are in fact dependent on other factors with which obesity is commonly comorbid. I showed you a case in which less hypertensive adult women showed no effect of BMI on mortality across the board. Your studies failed to address that so far. Even in the latest, it shows that many of the complications involve comorbidity, not obesity in its own right. Even when it talks about diabetes it talks about the protective effect of vitamin E. Now, if you want to start talking about joint replacements or whatever, fine, but then we should probably tell people to be careful about their morning run too.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

Certainly didn't take you long to resort to personal attacks. Sorry I annoy you.
Congratulations, you annoy me.
1. Your connection is ridiculous. I must somehow be privileged or sexist to have this view?

2. I guess I cannot figure out your point, since I only directly dealt with #3 in your post it sure sounded like "because she cannot turn off being fat, its nothing like smoking". Your other points are you soapboxing about how you want the world to be and are not something I am likely to convince you about.

3. She needs to binge eat in front of the camera to draw the conclusion that she overeats? I completely disagree with you that SHE is in a situation where being overweight is a necessity.
A point I will concede to: It is WILDLY more expensive to healthily than to eat garbage. Being on a local TV program however makes me think she is likely able to afford healthier choices.
3b. Please feel free to provide some hard numbers on the incidence of genetic obesity

4. I redefined behavior following you redefining behavior as essentially a state one can inhibit in the presence of others. Obesity is a behavioral problem. Feel free to use meriam webster if that link is insufficient for you.

5. I didn't ignore 1, and 2 of your post I just didn't reply to it. I don't agree with you. Period. It is tangential to our argument and while valid arguments will further take it off topic.I will say that you ascribe such heightened value to everything it makes me think you are on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

6. What do I care if what she said was not reprehensible? To be blunt, she cites this as a bullying event. It isn't. That is inaccurate. Its becoming the first warcry of those with hurt feelings. My main problem with it is that doing this has the effect of DEVALUING the term, and often when that happens people become desensitized to it. Not every statement is bullying. Not everyone who hears a negative utterance was bullied.

7. One said wasn't saying Shh. One side was privately making a statment. Voicing an opinion, however dickish. Was it his place? Nope. Was it nice? Nope. Was it his right? Yes if you live in any of the 50 states it is his right. A lot of assholes do things with words, like the westboro baptist church and gay soldiers funerals. When it reaches a point of bullying things need to be done (and in the westboro case something WAS done to stop them). That's a good thing. That differentiation between systemic hatred and one guy writing an email NEEDS to be made clear.

Last to your example of Chris Christie, people are BRUTAL to that guy. He gets his share of mail I assure you. People give him shit for the exact same reason of being int he public eye as well. The sexist/privelaged thing is just wild speculation on your part that only makes an angry situation seem angrier. That says a lot about you and your mindset, too.

>> ^hpqp:


News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

Bmacs You are moving the goalposts.
You say above that your key gripe is in using BMI to approximate health. Not the likelihood of ones imminent demise.
Lets clear this up.
1. You are making a conversation about morbidity about mortality.
2. You are dealing with data specific to BMI as it relates to Blood pressure and mortality as it specifically relates to hypertensive individuals. Is your suggestion that High blood pressure and cardiac events are the only risks involved with obesity? What about things that don't kill you but directly impact the quality of your life? Thinking diabeties here, among other things.
3. You seem to be trying to somehow debunk the concept that obesity has ANY negative health consequences by dismissing the other articles cited.
4. What biomarkers are you concerned with. What study are you focused on? There are plenty of studies surrounding biomarkers for obesity and comorbitidy. Here is a nature article directly citing that.

What are you actually suggesting here? Obesity is causal to NO life threatening or impacting diseases? That it has NO negative health consequences?
>> ^bmacs27:

@scannex Okay, none of your articles whatsoever considered any other biomarkers that may be correlated with obesity, let alone other factors like socioeconomic status, other behavioral choices, etc. For example: In this plot from this article of the oxford journal of epidemiology shows that the relationship between BMI and mortality breaks down for women with a systolic blood pressure below about 150mmHg excluding morbidly obese women(those with a BMI between 40 and 75). It also shows a "protective effect," in terms of mortality risk, of obesity in men with high blood pressure.
The article cites at least 9 articles and I quote, "The associations between body weight, raised blood pressure, and mortality remain controversial." Thus, you're wrong, this is very much a "jury is still out" sort of a question.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

I am not sure how my argument is nihilistic at all.
I am not sure what mold you think I am promoting, aside from not being in a state which has been, by all available science, deemed to be u healthy. (read: not obese)

I am happy to address where you think my view is inconsistent, can you please elaborate?

Re feeling: I think that is fair, to a point. But to me, the spectacle this woman made of herself for someone writing her a private communique over the internet does not warrant ANYWHERE near this attention.
She chose to shine a spotlight on something perfectly hidden, for the purpose of, I don't know... you tell me? To stop imaginary bullying (in her case explicitly here)? To not feel bad about being overweight? I really don't know anymore. Its a bizarre reaction to wantonly make a spectacle of someone suggesting you lose weight.

You pretend to care for the health of others yet there is a perverse nihilistic undertone to your entire argument. The only thing in this for you is to point out that "people" should fit a mold that you and your constituents have deemed appropriate. Which furthers strengthens the overall bizarre and inconsistent view you're slinging. Shouldn't your dismissal of common morals/ sensibilities completely free you up from trying to impress or coincide with a particular group? The thing that bugs me the most is that you seem to completely ignore this person's feelings. It's as if, for the purposes of your argument having a body you have obfuscated her feelings or anyone else's for that matter.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

To be fair and clarify, I want to directly address your comparison too.
You say obesity is not like smoking because, unlike smoking you cannot simply inhibit being obese in an instant.

That is not a reasonable qualification for a behavior.
By that logic, a person with a meth addiction who simply doesn't smoke meth while on camera, but exhibits all the tell tale physical signs of smoking meth would be exempt from ridicule because he cannot 'stop looking like a meth addict'. That is not reasonable.
Smoking meth in this case is a behavior. One he does not do in the public eye. The behavior of smoking has a repercussion on his appearance after he stops smoking. Similarly the behavior of overeating/being idle (I have coined this state as a behavior leading to obesity in my argument) is similar in that way.

Hopefully that clears up my analogy for you.
The ability to stop doing, or being, a given way in an instant is not a measure of what constitutes a behavior.

>> ^hpqp:

3) Obesity is not like smoking. Yes, they are both health problems, but unlike smoking, being obese is not a behaviour. It can be caused/aggravated by certain behaviour, among many other factors. But while a behaviour can be inhibited while in front of others (e.g. not smoking in front of kids/a camera), you cannot "stop being obese". This brings out another distinction, namely that, while seeing people smoke can entice impressionable minds to do the same, seeing someone who is fat will not make one want to be fat as well. Seeing an overweight person on TV having a job or living a normal life might, on the other hand, give hope to people who are mocked and discriminated against for their weight issues, something which does not undermine in the slightest the struggle against obesity.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

scannex says...

>> ^hpqp:

3) Obesity is not like smoking. Yes, they are both health problems, but unlike smoking, being obese is not a behaviour. It can be caused/aggravated by certain behaviour, among many other factors. But while a behaviour can be inhibited while in front of others (e.g. not smoking in front of kids/a camera), you cannot "stop being obese". This brings out another distinction, namely that, while seeing people smoke can entice impressionable minds to do the same, seeing someone who is fat will not make one want to be fat as well. Seeing an overweight person on TV having a job or living a normal life might, on the other hand, give hope to people who are mocked and discriminated against for their weight issues, something which does not undermine in the slightest the struggle against obesity.

So your counter to the point of it being a behavior, is that it is term applied as the result of a series of behaviors which is a combination of over-eating and lack of exercise?
You must be kidding.

And sorry I have to put words in your mouth above, because aside from divine intervention I am not sure what mysterious factors cause one to be obese unless you are referring to genetic disorders/thyroid problems. Have fun finding a source on what % of obese Americans that covers.

It is behavioral, and its remedy is behavioral. I certainly will not say its an EASY behavior to modify (see previous arguments on leptin/dopamine), but you need to deal with it.

Also regarding what is impressionable you are simply incorrect. If you believe a child with two overweight parents that is the result of those parents having an idle lifestyle and providing garbage food for their kids isnt impactful youre dead wrong.
But here you go, some backup for that concept. From the AACAP

No one is advocating mocking is the right thing to do. And if you think this guys letter came from a place of hate or mockery I suggest you reread it. There really is no indication of that to me. It comes from a place of concern, even if that is misguided. You want to crucify this guy for trying to (perhaps poorly) encourage this woman to lose weight and that really isn't the right ethic either.

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