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Dawkins on Morality

rougy says...

Seems a bit contradictory to expect an atheist to have a "leap of faith" since the absence of a faith in God is the primary definition of their spiritual being.

What bothers me more is the people who do believe in God, yet claim that they wouldn't know right from wrong without that belief, without some sort of rulebook for them to follow.

Drunk Girl Gives Hurricane Advice on CBS News

rougy says...

That's actually true to some extent.

I was on Cape Cod when Edward was blowing by, and a lot of people went to the local bars. Maybe not the safest thing, but it felt better to be around people at the time.

Mysterious bubble cloud sighting in China

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

rougy says...

>> ^dag:

Not me. I've already gone through manopause. >> ^rougy:
So which of you is on the rag this time?

Manopause...that's where a dude can't get it up any more, isn't it?

And hey! What's not funny about menstruation? Cracks me up every time!

And note the dystopian, deconstructive antithesis of my menstruation allusion apropos of the original ejaculatory metaphor?

Took me hours to do that!

Poor have refrigerators but lack richness of spirit

rougy says...

The whole argument can be turned on its head and used as an argument for raising the taxes on the rich back to, at least, what they were under Clinton.

Once they (the richest 1%) start bitching about progressive tax rates and acting like the sky is falling, remind them that they have refrigerators and microwaves and Xbox's, etc. so what are they complaining about?

So a chimp walks into a bar...

You can't Polish a Turd? Mythbusters say otherwise...

Poor have refrigerators but lack richness of spirit

rougy says...

>> ^Skeeve:

I can see both sides of the argument pretty clearly and they both have a point (though I don't know what the Fox guy means by "richness of spirit").

He's saying that the poor suck and just aren't as good as rich people.


rougy says...

"What does not benefit the hive is no benefit to the bee."

- Marcus Aurelius -


If you could imagine a ship with 10 people on it, and 1 person is hogging 50% of the resources and space, and everybody else is working and struggling to give that one person an even greater cut of the resources and space, that's what our world has become in a microcosm.

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

Poor have refrigerators but lack richness of spirit

CULT of Ron Paul

rougy says...

I like this video. It raises a lot of good points.

But I confess that I'm even wondering if four years of Ron Paul might not be better than four more years of Obama or one of the other GOP contenders.

Still a year to go.

Why are we campaigning a year in advance?

Shouldn't there be a law against that?

Oslo Bomber and Utoya Shooter's Manifest

Know Your Enemy (Part 1 - Introduction)

John Mellencamp - Authority Song

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