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Clueless Gamer Throwback Edition: Atari 2600

"Convos with my 2-year-old" Season 1 Bloopers/Gag Reel

Woodworker does crazy stop motion video of his project

Dad vs Son Dance Off

Footbag Fella

Weird sea creature caught on film by a ROV

Crazy Rhubarb Bitch

Stephen Fry and Jonathan Ross Discuss Language Evolution

Talkative Porcupine Eats Bananas in his Tree Fort

A look into Stephen Frye's Heart and Sense of Being

Awkward Flight

probie says...

You know, I walk the straight and narrow every day, but in my book, this counts as one of those few moments in life where you are allowed to be a rude prick.

*Especially* when drool might be involved.

If They Melded: Gary Busey + Yoda Edition

'Mythbusters' tests 'Breaking Bad'

47 Ronin

Cork Harvesting

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