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My Fees are Hella High

petpeeved says...

Strange message he seems to be sending: "I left the protest when I heard cops were coming because they tend to use force on the protesters and I didn't want to get involved. Oh, but it's a good thing that some protesters stayed to get pepper sprayed because it brought a lot of media attention to the school's problems. Now, I'd like to bandwagon on the successful protest and advocate for my fees to be decreased. I have an idea! Push all fee increases to the incoming freshman so you can freeze mine!"

Paraphrased of course. That's how it sounded to me. Tl;dr version:mememememememe.

"Sick Of This" Tales Of Mere Existence

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"Corporate America is Using Our Police Depts as Hired Thugs"

petpeeved says...

Oh and the constant repetition of the mantra that Occupy has no coherent message at this point strikes me as disingenuous and a transparent talking point of the anti-Occupy politicians and corporate interests.

It's not that the "conservatives" aren't intelligent enough to be able to see that the underlying issue fueling the Occupy protest is disgust at the disproportionate power that corporate lobbyists and by extension their Wall Street funders have over politics, it's that they think that they can shape reality via the media and as long as they are unified in denying that Occupy has any message at all, their power in the media could quite possibly make this fiction a reality for the millions of Fox viewers who constitute their power base.

"Corporate America is Using Our Police Depts as Hired Thugs"

petpeeved says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

I think the answer is far simpler.
When kooks are rejected by society, they invent conspiracy theories because they cannot (above all else) ever bring themselves to admit that they are just a bunch of kooks. Far better for them to believe the cops, the mayors, the media, and society at large are involved in some sort of machination to 'keep them down' or 'bury thier message'. Yeah - that makes tons of sense guys. (cuckoo!) A movement with no leader, no message, and populated by a bunch of drug using rioter/rapists is simply 'misunderstood'. :eyeroll:

The comment thread of a video that in part is introducing one of the most principled moral proponents to emerge thus far from the Occupy movement, Captain Ray Lewis, is probably not the best place to attempt to characterize the supporters of said movement as 'rapists, rioters, and kooks without a message."

Tiny Dog Runs With VTT Cyclist, Keeps Pace

Peroxide (Member Profile)

the 99% take back ohio

petpeeved says...

In the end, it's the predatory "American" corporations that are destroying the country by outsourcing jobs to the lowest global bidder with the laxest environmental and labor regulations.

It really seems like the capitalists of this country aren't going to be satisfied until the middle class is transformed into a locally available source of 3rd world labor.

Parachuting alongside a falconer's hawk

Catzilla can't be stopped

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