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Obama Signs NDAA, but with Signing Statement -- TYT

Superhero Primary: Republican Presidential Candidates Reveal

The Ending of "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Full Movie: Life in a Day

What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

The Guitar-Loving Golden Retriever

QWOP guy has sex

People enjoying their espresso with a bombing massacre

Welcome to the Machine - Animated Film

petpeeved says...

Welcome to the Machine was the very first cassette I ever owned. I still vividly remember sitting in my room pressing play on my boombox for the first time and spending the next few hours just staring off into space listening to it over and over.

I often wonder how different my outlook on life would be if that first album experience was something else. It was that pivotal.

I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GONNA PAY FOR ME & MY

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

petpeeved says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Shiny is here to 'sell' a point of view. Granted, it's the wrong audience to espouse fundamentalism, but if you see someone's house is burning in the night, you don't worry about their grumpiness at being awakened by total strangers.
Be grateful for hearing other points of view, and more grateful for resistance, it's the only thing that builds strength.

>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Someone wrote of shiny: It's highly unlikely that you will ever convert anyone here but at the very least you'd be less despised if you weren't so angry and obnoxious all the time.
Shiny's the one being infinitely patient here, and by an act of free will endures these cheap shots. A less angry foe you do not have.
A good Christian spreads the Word, and in another Penn video Penn himself states if you Believe, you should be out spreading your message.
You should be grateful there are shinys out there to keep you honest, as honest as a liberal can be, anyway.

I can't swallow this. By its very nature, Christianity as espoused by Shiny is bigoted and infinitely intolerant (the ultimate end of impatience) of any view point in opposition of its literally written in stone beliefs.
Just because the evangelists adopt a cloyingly condescending tone that can be mistaken for politeness when they 'discuss' (read: lecture and don't listen) this with us heathens does not make them 'less angry' or 'infinitely patient'.

To use your metaphor, QM: I don't see shiny and his fundamentalist ilk as firefighters or concerned neighbors rushing to save anyone from flames. I see them as self-appointed building inspectors who refer to an ancient building code and attempt to demolish any house that isn't constructed according to their specifications.

Expert Michelle Bachmann says Gay Men should marry women

petpeeved says...

lantern wrote" "She is 100% right. Why do we need federal bureaucrats in Washington DC set any kind of policy for people in Oklahoma? Don't the people in Oklahoma have enough brains to do it themselves?"

The fact that we largely fought a Civil War over the rights of states to continue the practice of slavery should be enough evidence that local governments are not always able to govern objectively or fairly in accordance with our Constitution.

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

petpeeved says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Someone wrote of shiny: It's highly unlikely that you will ever convert anyone here but at the very least you'd be less despised if you weren't so angry and obnoxious all the time.
Shiny's the one being infinitely patient here, and by an act of free will endures these cheap shots. A less angry foe you do not have.
A good Christian spreads the Word, and in another Penn video Penn himself states if you Believe, you should be out spreading your message.
You should be grateful there are shinys out there to keep you honest, as honest as a liberal can be, anyway.

I can't swallow this. By its very nature, Christianity as espoused by Shiny is bigoted and infinitely intolerant (the ultimate end of impatience) of any view point in opposition of its literally written in stone beliefs.

Just because the evangelists adopt a cloyingly condescending tone that can be mistaken for politeness when they 'discuss' (read: lecture and don't listen) this with us heathens does not make them 'less angry' or 'infinitely patient'.

Great Adam Carolla Rant On OWS

petpeeved says...

It's a logically consistent argument that Corolla makes but there is just one problem that I see with it: it's purely imaginary. It's easy to make a theory consistent when you don't have to incorporate actual details from messy reality.

Oh but how is it imaginary, I hear you Neocons asking? It's all based on a mythical group of trust fund 'self esteem' babies who are adverse to doing a day's work for a day's pay and want to be rewarded like a CEO for their entry level customer service worker position.

If you need evidence why this is so much bullshit, you really need to come out of your gated communities and maybe talk to some of the people formerly known as 'the middle class' but now more accurately referred to as 'the working poor.'

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