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MechWarrior 2 Intro

"Trophy video" exposes private contractors shooting Iraqi Civilians

The US vs. John Lennon

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Top 10 Bird Moments in Sport

Response to CNN's slander of Atheists!

CNN panel discussion slandering atheists!

What Mario Would Be Like In Hell

Simpsons: Protestant Vs. Catholic Heaven

Atheist comes out of the Closet

pass.the.grog. says...

This is what my very catholic mom really wanted to say when I told her I was an atheist

Luckily, she is a bit more sympathetic than this woman in the vid and actually did do the whole "forgiveness" thing.

Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations

Jon Stewart is wrong

pass.the.grog. says...

mg, heh.

i was in NYC not too long ago strolling around and happened to be outside of Fox News HQ. Dunno if it was live or not but a camera crew was on the street and asked who I think should be next president. Dead pan I answered "John Stewart" and the "reporter" was just dumbfounded. If any sifters can find that clip (if it even exists), that would rock.

also, great clip here

Joh Bolton pwn3d

Fox "News" parody - it's funny cause it's true

pass.the.grog. says...

I think Groening and Co. have been around so long and have drawn in so many viewers for Fox (before the Simpsons, was there even anything?) that they know they can get away with this type of thing.

Although I can see a V for Vendetta type situation when the character gets black bagged.

Blackwater - America's private army

pass.the.grog. says...

I recently found out about Blackwater via an interview on Fresh Air on NPR.

The fact that I consider myself fairly well informed about current events (I regularly read several dailys and periodicals along with the net), and only just heard of this company probably means a good majority of Americans haven't either. I guess some things are failed to be mentioned by the mainstream media... and something tells me it's not an accident.

I can just see this type of company used to circumvent constitutional law, and even ethical boundries to make people start to "disapear" as in Argentina, Brzail and Chile in the 70s. If my account goes inactive for over 6 months, you know where to point fingers

Freedom of Speech - yeah, right

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