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Election Touchscreen Maps Deeper Look Inside Key Swing Voter

noims says...

I'd never thought of it that way. Everything is meaningless if you zoom in or out by enough orders of magnitude.

That actually gives us a relatively objective measure for the meaningfulness of any action, especially if you factor in a time dimension. You can literally draw a 3-d shape of this post, or of this election, or of climate change, or of a supernova.

Yes, I've been drinking. And I'm not even involved in this election!

First Wingsuit Foil Flight

noims says...

I'm sure they could get even more distance by increasing the length of the foil significantly. They'd probably need something stabilising behind him too, and add ailerons to both for manoeuvrability. Maybe then if he's in some kind of cockpit with a full set of instruments...

Krapopolis: Knife-Hawk.

noims says...

I have never heard of this but loved the look of it, so I was looking at the credits. Not only was there some great talent there, but I'm incredibly proud to see that my tax payments partially funded this.

You're welcome.

1979: How to LAND ON THE MOON | Project Apollo | Retro Tech

noims says...

@kir_mokum I assume you voted this down based on the submitter rather than the post. I don't think this promotes good behaviour here so, while I can't downvote your downvote, I think it's worth calling out.

This video is definitely worth a look, both for the subject and the presentation. *promote

Calling In Absent To School

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

noims says...

Agreed. As an outsider the scariest thing to be here is that Trump even has a chance. The fact that he's that bad and he still has that much support shows that something has gone horribly wrong with American 'democracy' and bodes terribly for the future.

This will end badly unless something fundamental changes. It's just a case of when.

ReverendTed said:

the problems that allowed his rise (the polarization and bifurcated post-truth echo chamber media) will still exist

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

noims says...

Yep, I completely agree. However, when I call someone out to challenge them to refute an argument I make a point of listening to their response. As expected it was completely irrelevant, hence the downvotes.

I think the best way to understand your own stance on an issue is to be able to coherently argue against it. That's why I like to hear well-constructed arguments for the opposing side.

I know it was too much to hope for from bob, but since I asked, I watched.

newtboy said:

He has no arguments period, or any individual thought left in his head. That’s why every post now is nothing but a cut and paste propaganda short produced by Putin. His brain is mush.

He might have changed when it came out that all his talking heads are on Putin’s payroll, but he has nothing else to say so he continues to regurgitate their propaganda. It’s truly a sad state of being he finds himself in…but he has ensured he deserves zero sympathy after years of snarky fascism, racism, sexism, and pure lies.

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

noims says...

Yep. As expected. No actual arguments against what's in my post. I rarely downvote comments, but I feel obliged after watching them out of obligation.

ZzzzZzzzz... (Sift Talk Post)

Haridwar Ganga me

noims says...

Good thing he wasn't too small. Imagine her catching a baby then thinking: naaaaah.

I really need a vacation.

noims says...

To be fair, if Adam Rose has been the site manager for those dozens/hundreds of accidents then he probably should take a long vacation, and consider a new vocation as well. Standing idly by watching it all happen just doesn't seem to be improving things.

Kenzo World (2016)

Nightmare at the Vets [Halloween Special]

5SF: Every Morning

noims says...

My partner used to quote her father: "if you wake up one morning and nothing hurts, you've died."

I would have left this as a throwaway comment, but she did actually die a week ago, and this is the first time I've thought of this quote. On one hand I'm smiling, because she's not in pain and I love dark humour. On the other hand my heart is tearing itself apart because I didn't think to use the line in her eulogy.

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