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Poimo is an inflatable electric scooter that

Woman Gets Revenge On Her Man

moonsammy says...

Yeah. If it was that painful / traumatic he would just leave the room. Totally playing it for views.

newtboy said:

Revenge for what?
He sure seems complicit here.
There’s no way he feels nothing until they’re done, then is instantly totally awake. His reactions are so over the top…And it didn’t take all that much hair.

Sorry, but it looks staged to me, and badly acted.


moonsammy says...

Guessing it's a function of rate of rotation vs acceleration due to gravity, and that 1/5th of the height just happens to line up properly for a 270 degree rotation.

eric3579 said:

I was hoping for the physics of why 20% is the number. Seems more like a guesstimate that kinda works, most of the time.

Last Week in the Republican Party

Ohio GOP Primary Debate

Aperture Desk Job Trailer

moonsammy says...

Ah... yeah I can certainly see how that would complicate things. I still prefer kb+m for gaming in general as it's what I've trained myself to be good at over the years, unfortunate that it isn't a viable scheme for all PC games

ant said:

The problem is my disabilities. I can't hold the controllers well. I prefer big clicky keyboards and and mouses that doesn't require me to hold!


Saturday night covid discussion

Why Russia is Invading Ukraine

moonsammy says...

Yeah, that is a LOT of good background. And I have to assume the video had been in production a while before the war started, so excellent timing!

eric3579 said:

All makes a bit more sense now.

Ukrainians made a song about... Bayraktar

moonsammy says...

That line about shepherds and sheep was fucking solid! Certainly didn't expect a Ukrainian diss track about an autonomous drone to make me smile in 2022, but here we are!... Bayraktar!

Aperture Desk Job Trailer

moonsammy says...

You don't play any controller-based games on PC? There are SO MANY really excellent ones...

ant said:

It's for PC, but you need a controller (no keyboard and mouse) so it's not for me.

Aperture Desk Job Trailer

Ukrainian president refuses to leave Kiev

moonsammy says...

Man, he even sounds like a cold badass. Whereas the guy who tried to extort him always sounds like a wheedling braggart moron.

Eminem Responds To Rudy Giuliani

moonsammy says...

I assume you're being sarcastic and understand that wasn't actually Eminem... Frankly the guy would have no reason to bother responding: no one who gives a shit what Rudy has to say is going to give anything Eminem says any consideration, and t'other way round too.

Really solid spoof though, solid diss track.

noims said:

Man, Eminem went waaay to tame there.

Mom surprises reporter Myles Harris at work

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