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Opposing Forcing The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

moonsammy says...

I want to expand on this bit. This right here is from the Treaty of Tripoli, which as newtboy noted was ratified unanimously a mere 10 years after the signing of the Constitution. Treaties are part of the "Supreme Law of the Land" and are not just happy words between diplomats - they've the full weight and support of the US legal system behind them.

So VERY CLEARLY, the early politicians of the US had absolutely ZERO objection to the notion that this is NOT a Christian nation. It is secular, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Any claims to the contrary are absurd revisionist history.

newtboy said:

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..” -John Adams, unanimously ratified by congress in 1797


moonsammy says...

Your religious beliefs are your own, and FUCK YOU for trying to force them on anyone else.

Republicans -- the party of "you've the freedom to do what we tell you and NOTHING ELSE." Fascism isn't an American value.

bobknight33 said: reality this gay stuff is wrong.
Democrats -- The party of Sodom and Gomorrah.

LA Deputy Gangs Investigated

moonsammy says...

It should not be legal for law enforcement to establish unions, and I'm pro-union. The police are the arm of governmental power, and policing in the US in general can be traced back to union-busting efforts.

If police unions had a history of fighting for issues that benefit society overall my view would likely be different, but they always seem to focus on eliminating accountability and supporting evil assholes.

newtboy said:

The police/prison guard union is the most anti American anti constitutional entity in the USA...

Snoop Dogg React! TIRI mashes Bare Necessities wif Gin & Ju

Beat Boxing Doggo

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

moonsammy says...

It's really not all that involved - the hardest part is absolutely going to be finding Doom2.wad. If you (like me) have an old CD on hand you probably already have that, though I recognize there's a huge difference between "I have the cd" and "I can easily access the cd"...

After you have that though, it's just a matter of:
1 Downloading / unzipping GZDoom (free, easy to find)
2 Tossing Doom2.wad and the mod's .pk3 file into the unzipped GZDoom folder, and
3 Dragging the .pk3 onto gzdoom.exe.

Getting mods up and running in something like Skyrim or Fallout is substantially more fiddly.

ant said:

Ditto. I was going to download it, but I would have to find my old DOOM files, install and setup the game and its mod, play, etc. I ain't got time and resources for that like I used like during my younger days.

K&P: So... do U promise?

moonsammy says...

I understand your request, my darling.

So you agree to...

Dearest, beloved, your wishes couldn't have been clearer, and there's no need for you to repeat yourself.

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

moonsammy says...

After seeing what that entails, I'm really glad I didn't put the time in to get to it. Watching it, and reading some of the forum thread where people worked it out, is more than enough!

ant said:

So, you didn't get the crazy ending.

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

moonsammy says...

OH MY. I watched the video after playing what I *thought* was the game, and I missed a LOT. I tried spoiling only tiny bits of it at a time and seeing how far I could get before I needed another spoiler, but it was too complicated to do it that way. Ended up just watching the rest of the video.

This is an astoundingly complex work of art. Huge credit to whoever the hell made it, and I hope more people (and not JUST people who've played Doom before) watch and/or try it, to appreciate just how amazing it is.

*promote this wonderful madness.

moonsammy said:

I played this without watching the video, and am glad I did. Really excellent mod, and the ways it fucks with you are quite ingenious!

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

When You Hit Puberty Twice

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