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eric3579 (Member Profile)

Theramintrees - seeing things

messenger says...

To me, these two statements are mutually exclusive.

Either 1 Corinthians 2:14 is right and atheists cannot see God, or Romans 1:20 is right and atheists can see God, but refuse to do so.

shinyblurry said:

...atheists are not able to see or comprehend the things of God...'s not that nonbelievers can't see God, it's that at some point in their lives they have seen God...

Theramintrees - seeing things

messenger says...

The part that includes your type of arguments starts at 5:40.

Specifically, you have told me that I can't see God because I haven't asked/prayed/looked etc. hard enough. You have told me that I have to accept God first, and then I'll see. You have told me that a dozen different things make no sense without God, like morality, self-awareness and so on and you also claim that the universe itself is de facto proof of God's existence. As for the fourth, I think you told me that I'm afraid to accept God, rather than angry. Or maybe you did say angry. Or both. I can't remember. Either way, you blamed my lack of acceptance of God on some basic emotion, so, similar enough.

Regardless, you have no evidence for any of these claims other than the words in the Bible, the validity of which is the subject of this argument to begin with.

Your believing in God doesn't make God real any more than my not believing in God makes him a fairy tale. I can't believe you're still bringing Bible quotations out as evidence.

shinyblurry said:

I don't know why messenger seems to think this was my argument for theism; I don't recall saying anything like this to anyone on this site, although I could be wrong.

Theramintrees - seeing things

RFlagg (Member Profile)

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Most Adorable Taekwondo Student Creed

messenger says...

Big of you to admit that.

Babymech said:

Sorry, my bad. You said 'creed' but what I actually heard/read was "it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is." I have a horrible reading disorder

View Counting Bug in Sift Talk (Sift Talk Post)

View Counting Bug in Sift Talk (Sift Talk Post)

View Counting Bug in Sift Talk (Sift Talk Post)

View Counting Bug in Sift Talk (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

I thought of that. I noticed the count going up 3-4 at a time each refresh. So I waited 10 seconds and it went up 3-4 again, rather than 10-15, which I might have expected from waiting so long.

And this was a bunch of random SiftTALK posts, not videos, so the chances of non-members flipping through those faster than I could hit refresh is highly unlikely.

eric3579 said:

If i understand you correctly, every time you refresh this page views may jump at different rates. One through four views per refresh? If so just know that views are internet wide. All people members and mostly non members that stumble across this post. From what i can tell on a quick check the average views of non members to members on videos is seven to one(im estimating from a small sample). so if a video says 70 views may be only 10 sifters that have seen it. Not sure if this type thing is what you are referring to.

also as a side note (full disclosure) i have a buzz (fancy tequila), so I may not be making sense


Most Adorable Taekwondo Student Creed

messenger says...

What's the connection between that and what I said? Words and creeds are not the same thing.

Babymech said:

We should never teach three year olds to repeat what we say before they can fully demonstrate an independent understanding of what the words actually mean. I will not have my child repeat the word 'dog' to me, until she's demonstrated a thorough understanding of the species, its nature, biology and history, you hear me? Only a religious person would teach someone words before they know them.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

When I click the "submit" button in a comment, it runs away from me and I have to chase it and click it again. (dupe comment, but you asked for dupes)

Most Adorable Taekwondo Student Creed

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