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The Wrong Way To Demolish A Wall

AAA crash analysis videos of teen drivers

messenger says...

How does that make any sense? They aren't being malicious. They're teenagers whose brains haven't developed an understanding of consequences. They probably do care about other people's lives, but have a feeling of invincibility, like many teenagers do.

A10anis said:

If they kill themselves being so stupid, so be it. What concerns me more, are the innocent people who have their lives cut short when these idiots smash into them...

What Happens if All the Bees Die?

Making Grand Theft Auto: Like Nailing Jelly to Kittens

Making Grand Theft Auto: Like Nailing Jelly to Kittens

Making Grand Theft Auto: Like Nailing Jelly to Kittens

Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook

messenger says...

Right. So, what's the need for the original video? If you want to know what the story is, someone can translate it from this link. Just because there are bogus subtitles, doesn't mean Spanish speakers won't understand what he's really saying.

Payback said:

Ummm... you do know they just add a bogus "translation" text, right?

If you know anyone who can speak Spanish, the audio is still original...

Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook

messenger says...

What good would the link do? It'll still not be in English.

AeroMechanical said:

Anyone have a link to the original video? This guy with five teeth must be telling the funniest anecdote in the history of mankind.

I'm also happy to see that we can now let the Germans in on the joke. If someone could use some CGI magic so Fiveteeth is sitting at the table in Hitler's bunker, that would probably be pretty great.

Grimm (Member Profile)

Hippo Attacked By Lions, Shrugs It Off

kulpims (Member Profile)

Insanely complicated wooden puzzle box

metal version of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

This Video Will Make You Angry -- CGP Grey

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