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It's not easy to be a tram driver.

Deleted scene from Predator (1987)

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

What's in the box?

Rocket In The Sky Plus Accident

CBC The National - Gun Culture 25/FEB/2013 (left wing media)

littledragon_79 says...

Shit, can you imagine daily background checks in the US? Also, "I have guns, not friends"? Could it be you're an insufferable asshole? Take a little personal responsibility and maybe don't take every little thing as an assault on your existence. Sucks they feel like they have to hide who they are though.

It's something special to take this much joy in your job

Why Do People Still Think The Earth Is Flat?

Boyfriend makes car commercial for his girlfriends 96 Civic

CarMax's answer to the guy's ad for his fiancé's used Honda

King Tut - SNL

Senator Charles Grassley: 'AIG Execs Should Kill Themselves'

Car Swept Away In Mini Tornado

John Oliver - Confederacy

Say nay to Nonsensical Rifle Addiction (NRA)

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