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Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas S1E1

Tornado Knocks Car Off Road in Arkansas

Container Transport in Vietnam

Rotating bamboo sword challenge.

John Oliver - Scott Pruitt

littledragon_79 says...

Some of the execs I can understand (not condone) behaving like this coming from the private sector, but I'd expect more from a seasoned public official. I guess taxpayer $$ and positions of public trust mean nothing to almost everyone. Damn shameful it is.

Pressure washing robot can wash the sides of giant ships

Gay Frogs

The White House's Violence in Video Games

littledragon_79 says...

Sounds like a great way to sell lots of guns.

RFlagg said:

They all have "mentally ill" people too... and don't have the same problem. Another argument that makes no sense, given that one of their first actions was to make it easier for "mentally ill" people to get guns. Though as I understand it that hasn't gone into effect yet, it's still the principle of saying "it's mental illness" while making it easier for those you are blaming. Not to mention every version of their attempts to get rid of Obamacare included massive cuts to mental health programs.

Recovery team colossal fail

Do It The Right Way!

Nauti-Craft Marine Suspension Technology

Rat taking a shower

The Most Brutal Football Foul

Royal Oaks Police Attack Man For Paying Ticket In Pennies

I'm just a cook.

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