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Car misses exit and causes two semi trucks to crash

littledragon_79 says...

And continues along wondering what's wrong with everyone else. And where's karma on this? Not one door ding? If they don't have a case of the biggest anal warts ever recorded, I'm going to start thinking there is no God.

cloudballoon said:

Typical asshole driver behavior: always driving on the passing (left) lane for no good reason (not turning left, not passing slower vehicles) and not paying any attention with situational awareness. These drivers suck and causes road rage.

Road Rager Fist Fights With SUV In Florida

Undeniable Miracle

Satanic Turkeys?

Bicyclist avoids crashing into a car, hits a light pole

Skyscraper window replacement falls from 47th floor

Old guy's laugh totally upstages comedian (@1:15)


Yanny or Laurel

littledragon_79 says...

Are we sure it actually repeats the same every time? When I first played it, I heard yanny, but my wife heard laurel. I tried my headphones and heard laurel. I put it back to my speakers, but kept my headphones on and kind of heard both. Now I'm hearing laurel over the speakers. Must be end times.

Brake Cleaner Fluid Vs Monster Energy Drink

Minneapolis Miracle

On Bullshit, Lies & Political Spin | Jon Stewart & Frankfurt

On Bullshit, Lies & Political Spin | Jon Stewart & Frankfurt

Cops vindicated by dashcam

Cops vindicated by dashcam

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