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Futuristic hybrid magnetic motorbike

jrbedford says...

Cool idea... why'd they make it so low to the ground, though? Seems like making a tight turn, or even just keeping the thing standing up could be difficult when at a stop unless it's really light. Hmm.

Obama's Message To American Indians

jrbedford says...

I'm very impressed with how Obama seems to stay a few steps ahead of McCain. To me the difference between the two is the difference between a designer and a manager...

He even recognizes the importance of language preservation and education. If those are his ideas that he's pushing, then good on him. If he's just got some smart people working for him, then even better.

Great clip.

Matthews VAPORIZES McCain Sr. Campaign Advisor on Hardball

jrbedford says...

While Matthews does have total control in this entire clip, I think he went overboard a few times. It seemed to me like he was trying to play for the cameras... he kept sneaking little jabs about Palin's clothes which I thought was unnecessary. He made that (entirely relevant) point ealier, and made it very strongly, and there was no reason to do that shit later on in the interview. Pfotenhauer called him on that BS once or twice, but that doesn't amount to much considering the huge pile she was swimming through the other 8 minutes of the interview.

This is about as good as an interview as I've seen recently as far as non-BS goes from these pundits, but I'd still like to see even less.

Obama Slams McCain for Calling him a Socialist

jrbedford says...

I really wish people would stop cheering / booing after every other word. Also, Obama didn't do much more here than say "No I'm not." He didn't prove anything, he didn't define socialism for the hundreds or thousands of people in his audience who probably don't know what it is. He didn't use McCains words against him by pointing out the socialist aspects McCain's platforms. He didn't even explain why socialism is "bad". Disappointing.

Christopher Hitchens: vote Obama

jrbedford says...

"I thought you'd never ask. You must have me on more often and tell me what you think." -Christopher Hitchens

Best quote from this video.

If I was getting interviewed by her and she did that crap to me, then after the interview ended changed her tone to sound chummy again, I'd walk straight the hell out of there. Why do these guests stand for this crap?

Legal Expert Destroys FOX Pundit On GOP's Vote Fraud Fraud

jrbedford says...

I don't get how so many of these videos are called "So-and-so legal experts owns so-and-so news pundit" when none of these legal experts has no idea how to win an argument with these idiot news anchors who just yell and scream. When is one of them going to take control of the damned conversations and just say "Hey, stop talking for 30 seconds and let me complete a fucking sentence or I'm walking out of here."

This is so disappointing. When people don't let each other even express their ideas they're suppressing any possibility of learning anything, of getting any new information. You can shoot down someone's argument after they've made a point if you've got some actual information, but doing what this woman does is like arguing with a rabid dog. The only thing that happens is viewers get to see someone who is supposedly smart get beaten up on. It's tragic.

Palin Explains Why Raped Women Should Be Forced ToBear child

jrbedford says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Life is sacred is a stupid notion of idealists, life isn't sacred, we wish it was but it isn't.

I know what you were getting at in this comment in the context of your entire comment, but I think you hit on something that would be a good philosophical exercise for everyone in this thread (world?) to embark on. This is actually something that I wish people would spend more time thinking about...

Why is life sacred? Why is life valuable?

I've got my own reasons, but I think too often people believe that life is sacred without ever questioning why they have that belief.

Sorry to bring back a week old thread, but I hardly get chances to go all philosophical on video sites.

McCain advisor gets pwnd on MSNBC by footage of McCain

jrbedford says...

Wait, are you being serious? You'll drink some cow's milk but not some human's milk? Are cows cleaner than humans, or is there something else that gives you that stance?

Palin Explains Why Raped Women Should Be Forced ToBear child

jrbedford says...

thepinky said:
The mental pain and trauma of carrying and delivering an unwanted or forced baby can be very severe, indeed, but our emotional well-being is never more important than a human life.

I'm annoyed by people who pretend to know something about the choice to have an abortion. I know three women who believed that an abortion would make them happy when they had it done. All three of them still regret their choice.


I disagree that emotional well-being is never more important than a human life. What's the point of living if it will be in constant pain, depression, etc.? I realize there is the potential to "get over" the trauma, but I think you should reconsider what makes living worthwhile, and should allow a person to make that decision for themselves.

Also, I know a woman who had an abortion and she does not regret her choice. She's living a great life now, one that she probably would not have been able to live had she not had the abortion.

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