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Interview with David Lynch and Frank Herbert

highdileeho says...

Loved the book, and have seen two versions of the film. The one that I call the sting version was not enjoyable to me. It follows the book well, the acting was solid, and it captured all the metaphors. It should be one of the best film adaptations ever, But I just couldn't deal with all the whispering dialouge. It's a loathsome and highly annoying tactic of building tension i.m.o. It just took me right out of the movie. Even though Im embarrassed to admit it, I like the 3 part mini series version best, by John Harrisn.

Hero talks about Bernanke's reappointment, and his failures

highdileeho says...

And have to agree with you. I wish I could say that either the dem's or rep's have the answer to correcting the government. I'm trying not to be a cynic about politics, but at the same time I can't ignore the facts; Their interests are for the most part selfish, and not the interests of the people. That's why I like to see people like this guy fighting to keep integrety in politics.

Hero talks about Bernanke's reappointment, and his failures

Microsoft's Courier "tablet" looks rather nifty

highdileeho says...

I'm going to try to be as nice as possible. Iv'e seen the microsoft version, Iv'e seen the mac version. I just want to know. When will anyone actually really need any of this crap. Is it just a fancy gizmo to be whipped out at coffee shops in the hopes that it will start a conversation? Or do people really need to cut and paste shoes, or boobs, or search the internet with a machine that isn't nearly as fast as the last gizmo that you bought. I don't get any of it, but I do understand that apple has whipped Americans up in this consumerism frenzy, to throw down hard earned cash on things that no one will ever really need. And these consumers will defend with seering lunacy it's ability to do things that no one needs better than any competetor. I'm just waiting patiently for the day when people have finally determined that they don't need anymore. Mr. Creosote lives

Gou Miyagi - Overground broadcasting skate video

highdileeho says...

we need more sakte vids! this guy rips it with some nice original lines. It's nice to see a skater who hasen't been raised in a park. It reminds me somewhat of these guys in that they have fun, and would skate the same with or without sponsors or a camera:

as for the other guys comment: who cares about what other people are doing. If you need other people to keep you interested in skating, then stay the fuck out of my way, i'm ripping past. you can mutter whatever you want under your breath as I skate to live and you skate to judge.

These norwegian kids can rock

Intense Winter Rally Race

If You Have A Conscience, Government Will Put You In Jail

Charles Bukowski kicking his soon to be fiancé

highdileeho says...

I may be taking her words out of context, and wouldn't of handled the situation with physical violence. That said if a girlfriend or fiance declared that she was going to sleep with whoever she wanted and that's the way it was going to be then I would have reacted badly as well. And I suspect any one, male or female would as well. So let's not beat up on the guy as being batshit crazy. Even though I'm sure he happens to be.

Christopher Hitchens interviewed by reddit

highdileeho says...

That draper book is a good read. I picked it up today, a little skeptical, but bored all the same. It really gives a more broad perspective on some of the world leaders and icons of the day. So if you weren't convinced by one of the greatest minds, then my two cents will definitly.....blah blah....

Tim Minchin's stunning performance of his beat poem "Storm"

highdileeho says...

I prefer my verbal masturbation to be done with the lights dimmed and my doors locked. This guy want to see his self gratification splooge on everyone within earshot. That said, I agree with his viewpoints. I just wish he expressed them with a little more tact, a little less pomp, and without the shamelesness of public lip fapping.

Nick Griffin MEP Lifts Lid on “Climate Change” Lobbyists

highdileeho says...

>> ^enoch:
i think burgneil is talking about cap-n-trade and if you look into it...well..seems it will be a new market to exploit but not really deal with the issue of climate change.
maybe im wrong but im SOOO against cap-n-trade.
if you ripped me off,stole my money and ruined my business,why would i ever put you in charge of anything again?
the people who brought you Enron and energy trading?sub-prime mortgages? they bring us Cap-n-trade.
no thanks.

thanks for the clarification. Cap and Trade on coal plants have been in place in NY for a year and a half, and the general consensus from peers in the scientific community is that they aren't effective enough. I have no opinion of the political aspect because rest assured who ever is doing the speaking has his own agenda and it's almost always a devious one.

Nick Griffin MEP Lifts Lid on “Climate Change” Lobbyists

highdileeho says...

I want to make sure I understand. The polar ice caps are melting, the sea level is rising, permafrost is melting in effect releasing more carbon dioxide, methane is being released from fresh water bodies all over the world, species are losing habitat, the food web is unraveling, biota is being effected, 50 years of research from tens of thousands of scientists all points to one thing. But never mind that. It's all a corporate conspiracy.

A politician talking about science has about as much validity as a homeless man touting about the apocalypse. I urge anyone that finds truth in this man's words to please, for the love of humanity, kill yourself.

Michael Moore: Greed Killed Newspapers

highdileeho says...

I'm surprised he didn't mention that almost all of the major newspaper publications were bought up by two C.E.O's. I don't have the strength to google them, but anyway. It was their greedy descisions that ultimatly destroyed smaller competing papers, then crippled the bigger ones.

The final collapse came from the internet. There was no advertising base, so the more bloated newspapers couldn't fund their giant operations in the 'dot com' medium.

The internet is a very polarizing and niche oreiented source for news and information so readers cherry picked the news that they wanted to hear and could completly disregard the others. The result is a very very pretencious global society. For the most part we are consumed with thoughts and ideals that hold value to virtually no one. At least that what i'm told. The story that Moore is talking about is bigger than republicans or democrats and I wish that sometimes he would delve into his topics more completly, and not just emphisize the political implications.

just Lady Gaga and a piano - poker face

highdileeho says...

I wish I had a time machine, I would go six months in the future. A time when this chick isn't screeching her ascinine lyrics, and her old fans will deny ever liking her out of embarassment. sorry about the trolling, but every year its the same thing, a female solo artist has a 'summer hit' then she is quickly revealed as a hack and's a terrible cycle that I wish people would resist against.

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