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67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

highdileeho says...

I'm pretty sure that mother fucker asked the black guy to spit shine his 'stacy adams'. that's why the whole thing started, and why the woman replied with racial slurs, It was in response to the motherfuckers racism. I'm pretty sure the black guy was just reacting to the white guys racism as well. The motherfucker started it, the motherfucker initiated the bullying, and the black guy was villified for being in the wrong. Funny how everyone assumed that the black guy must have deserved it. You refer to an asian as a 'chinaman' on the street and see if you get the motherfucker treatment, I bet you will. I just hope the asian won't be villified. Cement your stupidity with t-shirt slogans all you want.

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Matthu (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

In reply to this comment by Matthu:
I don't get global warming. I can't separate the truth from the lies in this case. It seems to me it was just a few months ago that someone obtained all kinds of documents to show that the scientists leading the charge to deal with global we're actually forging lots of their evidence. Litterally. Isn't that what happened?

There were scandalous memos detailing how to trick journalists and science magazines and so on.

Then, I didn't hear much more about that. I didn't hear their defense. I didn't hear anyone's outrage at the lies etc.
If you didn't hear it, maybe you should take your fingers out of your ears:
Wtf happened with that?

Also, I've heard others say what Winston said about the scientists lying about global warming to keep their jobs. Sounds likely to me. Their GLOBAL WARMING scientists if global warming was proven untrue tomorrow they'd have no job. Seems like motivation to lie.

EDIT: I like Rachel Maddow as a journalist. I don't understand why she doesn't ask Bill Nye about the fraudulent global warming documents that were released. Has she confronted them in another video?

Rachel Maddow Interviews Bill Nye On Climate Change

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TDS A few gay men and women

highdileeho says...

I don't understand what the republicans are so afraid of. Gays and lesbians are in the military. Nothing will change if this bill is passed, other than a change in civil liberties. Gays in the military will not become open in the military on any noticeable scale. Hell, it's not o.k for a soldier who has been in COMBAT to say that his experiences troubled him for fear that it would make him appear weak. When someone does admit combat stress he would be ostracized and cast out as being a fag; That is, when I served. If a homosexual admitted to being such, he/she would be verbally berated by peers and leaders, downgraded in their duties and their lives would be a living hell. Any gay or lesbian thinking about signing up should ask their recruter how they should handle it. They would tell them to never mention it again or risk total alienation. Bottom line, nothing will really change. I do agree with the bill. I think that it sets a precedent that they are equal and should not be descriminated against, especially since being gay or lesbian will not effect their performance despite common stereotypes. I have never seen a feminine male or female in the service. It takes a certain attitude to be willing to do what they do. Wow, that was the first almost positive thing Iv'e said on this site in a while. fells kind of good not to hate everything.

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