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How Casual Sex Should Work

First Few Minutes of Beautiful Indie Game INSIDE

gorillaman says...

At least he didn't get ripped to pieces by dogs or hung by the neck with taser wire.

Nephelimdream said:

Whoa. The kid gets shot. You don't see that often in games, at least in the U.S., if at all. Great looking game, though.

She's Not Havin' None Of That...RYAN!

The Man Who Invented, Then Hated, Shopping Malls

gorillaman says...

He's from the north, or the midlands anyway. In the south we'd pronounce it 'maul', except we wouldn't, we'd call it a 'shopping centre'.

Engels said:

ya, he pronounces it like 'mal' from malicious, not mol like molify. Is this a UK vs US thing?

Anime Expo - Surprise!

gorillaman says...

Surely it's generally meant with irony and affection.

I mean, there's really only one kind of trap I'd happily stick my dick in.

Babymech said:

Urgh. There's a lot of commentary that's labeled 'transphobic' that I personally think seems completely innocuous (from my non-trans perspective), but 'trap' has always seemed like such a shitty and obviously transphobic term to me.

Not saying that I was offended by your comment or that you did anything that hurt anybody, but... I'm just not a fan of this term, or seeing it on the front page. fwtw.

7 Billion - Cyriak

What Happened Before History? Human Origins in a Nutshell

gorillaman says...

Why digest your own food like some stupid cow, when you can make a tree do it for you?

ChaosEngine said:

It doesn't make it more nutritious per se, but it does mean that your body has to expend less energy digesting it, so you get more nett energy (joules/calories/whatever) from eating cooked food (particularly meat).

dag (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

Just got around to reading The Quantum Thief, which you recommended about a hundred years ago in one of the 'what are you reading' threads. Thought I'd send a little note of thanks since I really liked it and don't think I would have come across it on my own.

Constructing a sort of crime novel around the subtle implications of technologies that don't exist yet must be difficult work. When a break in the case comes about because the detective realises that, oh of course, since the thief used the key to his encrypted external memory to steal his identity, that must give him access to recordings of the thief's activities during the few minutes of the impersonation, and what's this, he used a quantum entangling drone to beam only one stolen minute of Time away from the victim, there's only one thing that can mean: to the resurrection house! - well it's a step above bootprints in the flower bed isn't it? And calling time-rich nobles 'millenniaires'...mmm, juicy.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew Trailer

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

gorillaman says...

These problems would evaporate if only juries could be relied upon to find not guilty in murder trials where the victim clearly deserved to die.

MilkmanDan said:

Goddamn, that is infuriating.

You know that the system is broken when anarchy or flat-out nihilism seem like bright shiny options in comparison...

Will Varley - Talking Cat Blues

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

Will Varley - Talking Cat Blues

Britain Leaving the EU - For and Against, Good or Bad?

gorillaman says...

We have the enormous misfortune in the UK to live in a democracy; how could it not? As more people from, effectively, the past enter the country the progress we've been making will be slowed or reversed.

Western, or probably more specifically north-western europe is that special region in the world where religion is actually dying off. More people in the UK are non-religious than religious. Christians in this country finally have the decency to be ashamed of their faith, and any extravagant public expression of belief is met with contempt from believers and non-believers alike - look at the minor scandal created when Tony Blair admitted to being a catholic, and engaging in such outlandish behaviours as prayer.

Orthodox christians from easten europe, and refugees from even less civilised areas, haven't had the opportunity to develop the same attitude. As they settle in their nasty little insular communities, the danger is that they're in a position to act as voting blocs that damage public policy.

Anyway, I'm sure it's heartening for eric to discover that basically none of us has any idea either.

RedSky said:

Do you really think an 11% immigrant population (for the UK) is going to change social policy? Especially when many of these immigrants aren't religious or socially conservative? This seems like one of those things that people have said enough that it becomes accepted as the truth ...

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

Not a one of you has made a point to reply to. No discussion is possible on a basis of absolute relativism.

That's why, rather generously, each of my comments has asked some variation of the question that's necessary to BEGIN the conversation.

You know what that question is, either answer it or admit that you're too much of a scared little bitch to consider its implications.

dannym3141 said:

You know for someone banging on about "precision of thought" (neckbeard for "I've found a way to twist your words and derail the discussion") I'd expect a little better than this.

Someone said to you that some muslim people can be as good as anyone else and in reply you said "oh, so everyone is EXACTLY as moral as everyone else?" -- What on Earth are you talking about? To whose points are you replying? The other person, or the one you've made up in your head? Precision of thought, mate!

In all but one comment you've made here you have either asked, "Do you think <something>?" or otherwise told them what they've said or thought that bears only an exaggerated approximation of what that person has said.

If you think you're like Russell Crowe facing down a new gladiator each time to the rapture of the crowd -- "NEXT!" -- I can't believe you said that -- well you're not. You are not replying to the person's comments or points - strawman rubbish, that's why people aren't discussing it with you any more.

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