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Wow that's fubared

escape421521 says...

An unfortunate confrontation of two widely perpetuated stereotypes maybe?

I now have a strong dislike for everyone in this video. Except maybe the grammy. I mean, police officer loses control (choke-hold excessive), skater can't shoot for shit (take off the hell-spawned excessory that is the fish-eye!), and the rest of the kids are dumb as shit for trying to run away. Even the one kid who tries to make himself appear "in the right", by saying, 'I'm gonna stay here . . ." still moves away from the 'scene', prompting the officer to chase him down as well. Grammy had everything right. Regardless of how wrong it might seem, when a cop starts talking to you, YOU DON'T DO SHIT! Just stay there! If he did shit wrong, get a lawyer bring it up then, get the case thrown out and give the cop a little well deserved unpaid vacation.

Mom Ruins Kids B-Day

escape421521 says...

Upvote for the MTV Jukebox. Oh and a word on licences. NJ: if you pay for a class and pass a test you can get your Permit at 16. You drive w/ your parents for a year. 17 you get your provisional licence. Drive anywhere except for 2 hours of the day and with only one non family member in car(both of these are the most flaunted traffic rules in NJ next to the speed limit.) 18 you can get a full licence which more or less gives you the the right to do all the stuff you were doing anyway.

Time Fountain - Water Optical Illusion

CNN panel discussion slandering atheists!

escape421521 says...

CaptainPlanet: I'll take this over so PostM doesn't have to. You want over a paragraph? I'll give you over a paragraph.
When creating the govt, the founding fathers (who have been so diefied it sickens me) had several things in mind. To keep a long story short, the #1 thing they DIDN'T want to do, was create a 'pure' democracy. In those places were such systems existed (check republican rome/ancient greece), the political system would be dominated by a large group of people, and the minority would be ineveitable opressed by the majority. This occured along such lines as social status, economic class, and religious beliefs. To this end, a republic (few represent many) was formed. Built into this system (admittedly as an afterthought) was protection for the rights of the people. (See the whole Amendment's /Bill of Rights.) These rights were applied to state and local matters through constitutional law (due process) that is way to complicated to get into right now. BUT to get to the point I wanted to make . . . With regards to freedom of religion, there are appropriatly two divisions. The first states that people are free to practice whatever religion they want (this includes not having one. Forcing people to believe something = bad), the second, however, relates to the institution of relgion. Specifically nothing supported by the state/national govts could specifically endorse a specific religion, nor include any others.

If you really want more info, look beyond your middle school social studies textbook. Ah! Just got a great idea. Look at the 'Federalist Papers.' They are written by the founders and explain why pretty much everything in the constitution says what it says.

I've wasted enough time on this, and you. Escape out.

Quentin Tarantino OWNS Movie Reviewer on Live TV

escape421521 says...

So many great quotes from this.
"Weseviow Dowwgs" (Resevoir Dogs)
"It's soulless. It has no soul."
Also love how Tarentino inadvertantly strings her along. "The cool parents let their kids see it." And then she treats everything he says a serious comment.

How to feed homeless people (the undercover way)

One of the greatest rants ever in a movie.

Worst Game Ever - Big Rigs

escape421521 says...

Mountain scene reminds me of the old Motocross "madness" they used to package with all the sidewinder controllers. Had about 2-3 maps, decent sound for the time, but by far the best feature was on a "mountain level" if you acc. all the way from one side to the other, you could scale the roughly 50 ft. vertical wall. This paled in comparison to the "top of the mountain" where if you went more then two feet from the edge your bike was no less than CATAPULTED to the other side of the level. GOOD TIMES

Most Under-Reported News Story of 2006 - 655,000 Iraqis Dead

escape421521 says...

As a journalist my self (NOTE: FREELANCE JOURNALIST I barely get paid), I find it suprising that this number hasn't been more publicized. I am of the unwavering postition, that this generation is in DIRE need of its own "Deep-throat", and that the media still needs to take a MUCH more agressive stance in their role as "watchdog" (see any political science page for definition).
Couple notes
"They learnt that from the Israeli army who regularly use Palestinian children as human shields" It is SO damn hard to get reliable information from any "warzone" where any information recieved from either group is regarded as volatle and biased. The palestinians zealously blame Israeli forces for anything that concievable goes wrong and the Israeli's expedite the problem with their zealous militantism.

BTW American Politics 101: The average citizen is COMPLETELY SUSCEPTABLE to hoards and hoards of bullshit no matter what the source is. Let's not forgethow easily Clinton (still one of my favorite politicians ever by the way) was able to slipslide his way out of any responsiblity for Kosovo and Rwanda, and he was considered one of our country's most progressive Presidents, what is the chance that Bush, one of our country's most conservative Presidents would give a shit about humanitarian efforts. Here's a fun quote transcribed from some anyanomous talk show from '03. "Somehow the pentagon just isn't finding 'Operation Re-Elect Bush' that appealing a name."

Dropkick Murphys - "I'm Shipping Up To Boston"

escape421521 says...

There are certain songs which just make anything that much more badass just by playing the tune in unison. I mean, look at the actual use of this song in Departed. Nickeson and DeCaprio are DRIVING IN A FRICKIN' CAR! And it is still one of the most badass scenes in cinima this year.
*Animoo Lesson 25* Band-aids heal everything. EVERYTHING!

The Shatman vs The Lamest Monster Ever!

Demetri Martin - Findings

Mythbusters - Bulletproof water

Sarah Silverman - A Very Convenient Truth

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