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SpaceX - BFR - Anywhere on Earth in an Hour

"Alternative Math" - The confusing times we live in

drradon says...

Interesting discussion here. This is what comes of awarding PhDs in university Education departments: "must make simple complex", "must make simple complex", "must make simple complex", "must make simple complex"... keep repeating until PhD is awarded. I disagree with both newtboy and bcglorf to a degree - one approach to teaching is arithmetic and the other is math. There is a place for both in the curriculum: teach arithmetic to enable students to gain facility with numbers; in the higher grades, introduce concepts of mathematics theory so that they understand why arithmetic works and extends to higher math...

Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality

drradon says...

...trying to convince us that what we can see happening isn't real, and inducing us to believe in an alternate, false, reality: sounds like modern political discourse to me....

Canada Air Takeoff - Close Call

Why isn't science enough?

drradon says...

Unfortunately, everyone on this is wrong - I don't agree with transmorpher so much, but if we don't get population growth under control, all the green energy in the world won't be enough. Which is why the Pope pontificating on planetary stewardship is nothing short of obscene. When the Catholic Church starts making birth control a mandatory practice for good Catholics, then I'll start believing his advice on global stewardship is sincere.

World's Most Dangerous Job

drradon says...

Idiot narrator/narration. The gases discharged there are dominantly sulfur dioxide - not hydrogen sulfide. There is a difference - and each has a different physiologic impact on human health. Clearly these people are being impacted by the sulfur dioxide...
These so-called science videos should really try harder to get their science correct.

When Magma Meets Water

drradon says...

Understand that there is a difference between phreatic and phreato-magmatic eruptions... Wohletz and Heiken are referring to well blow-outs that can occur when the well casing or cement bond between the casing and the formation fails (it's also true that, if the well is cemented in poorly consolidated formation, the formation around the cemented well can fail and allow steam to rise to the surface). Those events could, arguably, be referred to as phreatic eruptions. But most geothermal wells are not drilled into molten magma - as I noted in my original comment, that has occurred rarely but, when it has, it has not triggered a phreato-magmatic eruption.

When Magma Meets Water

drradon says...

I'm sorry, this is silly science. Maybe I'm jaded, but if you want to study the reaction of lava going into water, this is happening every day (now) at Kilauea. But the ending piece of alarmism over phreatomagmatic explosions being triggered by water injected into magma is nonsense - researchers and private sector drillers have drilled into magma in Hawaii and in Iceland with no adverse affect at the surface.

when should you shoot a cop?

drradon says...

An interesting thesis but, like any philosophy taken to the extreme, ultimately fails to serve the public good. If we are all entirely free to decide what constitutes government "oppression" and when to resist it, the end state is anarchy. Although he vilifies politicians, they are elected as representatives of the people - if the people are unhappy with the actions of the politicians, they are free to, and it is incumbent on them to, participate in the electoral process to remove those politicians. If they choose not to do that, then they have no basis on which to complain.

Mesmerizing Dance Routine in a Wind Tunnel

keith olbermann-bespoke prophecy 7 years ago-special comment

drradon says...

Interesting rant. From a media person who will undoubtedly defend to the death the ability of "the media" to pick and choose who is elected and what misguided, ill-intended, and destructive bills are enacted into law. Clearly contemptuous of any world view other than his own.

For a democracy to survive, there has to be compromise and a willingness to understand and provide some level of respect to differing viewpoints. We've just been through eight years of selective enforcement of the laws, selective respect for individual rights, and policy driven by executive order to bypass the legislative process.

Why all the sudden "fear and loathing in Washington DC" when the current arrogant, misguided administration is using the tactics of the former arrogant, misguided administration????

Donald Trump will never be President of the United States

drradon says...

Wonderful collection. From a very serious perspective, it demonstrates the sense of entitlement, the lack of understanding, and the sheer contempt of the leftist media faction and "their party" for the concerns and challenges faced by a large fraction of our population. That nearly 50% of our population would vote for a bloviating buffoon like Trump says no less about their attitude toward the leftists preferred alternative than it does about their affection for Trump.

That's not what i meant about using the ladder

drradon says...

maybe he was afraid of heights....

or part of an OSHA class on the proper use of step ladders...
I mean, face it - he didn't have a harness, he didn't have rope to tie off and secure the ladder, he didn't have the proper barriers to keep pedestrians from walking under the ladder. If OSHA caught him using the ladder without the proper safety equipment, they could have shut down the whole facility and fined them $100,000.

Bill Nye tours the Ark Encounter

drradon says...

Interesting that a fundamentalist Christian is arguing a completely nihilist position. Nye could have done much better in responding to him: that we have a moral obligation to future generations to enable the species to continue to evolve and survive indefinitely. A scientific treatment of global climate change can provide us direction in how to ameliorate adverse changes that current and prior generations have created, whereas the "Christian" position, that global climate change is the result of sins by our current culture, doesn't lead to an effective strategy to ensure survival of the species.

The Limits of Physics - Hard Enduro

drradon says...

Sorry to be a kill-joy, but can't say that I would promote this - really ripping the sn*t out of the landscape - their pixelating out the faces of the riders makes me wonder whether they had the permission of the landowners whose property they were tearing around on....

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