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Limbaugh Blames Democrats for Economic Mess

Evil Dead: The Musical (Ad)

Fade to Bluegrass (Metallica tribute)

Screaming Frog

human scum confesses to rape and torture

Druggie Driver Struggles to Stand

The SHIT Has Hit the fan IN Canada

detheter says...

this isn't happening? i'd be surprised if something like this went down. I'm not very afraid of the Canadian military. It stands at 60,000 regulars, with 20,000 reserves. With 3000 troops in Afghanistan, and a military suffering from decades of Liberal neglect, with equipment deficits nearing 15 billion dollars needed in replacement parts, aging equipment, and a land mass smaller only than Russia to take and hold from a citizenship that is mostly anti-American, they would need U.S. military assistance to pull off this public relations disaster, further worsening the outlook of a population that wants nothing to do with religious fundamentalism, big stick politics, and narrow minded elitism that dominates American culture.

Ice Sculpture Fail

U.S 'Officially' in Recession: Dow Drops 680 Points

Batshit Crazy Interpretation of Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'

detheter says...

I think the real crazy part about this video, is that people watch this shit, and agree with it. I wanted to see if people would dine on this shitturd, so I went to the video on youtube and tried to look at the comments section. Wow, comments disabled! Go figure? So I did the next best thing, I went to his youtube channel. These are some of the comments I found there.

What follows may shock some...

minisight2000 writes...
"i love your videos now with every song i hear i can see so much truth its amazi9ng how many people are with this evil group!"

"You are so intelligent. Im a 23 year old black woman who has been seeking for some truth to this world and I think I have found it. All my life I was said to be weird now I can say Im a true believer. Good work."

batterypack0973 writes in multiple postings about this video...

"The jackson videos, thank the father of us all for those, and thank you, I took it very personal at first the masturbation part didnt make sense to me, but it makes perfect sense at a deeper personal level, because it explains what im going through right at this very moment in life. Thank you for real brother!

1. Beat it, means both run away and masturbate to me, for personal reasons like I stated, because what he didnt mention was the girl or girls that are involve in the matter. 2.Ejaculate means Emasculate to me, because all the game is is the two parties fucking with each other (Homosexual Masturbation)to see who is going to Emasculate themselves first.

Micheal as the narrarator is laying on his bed agitated, contemplating about that "life" that he is telling to the listener that the message is for, the spiderman, wannabe macho man types. But his role as the narrarator is actually him on the bed, contemplating on his own experiences in that same situation as he warns the listener on what to watch out for."

allteal writes...

"Hey man i am currently watch your playlists. I must say that the "What lies in Plain Sight" series was 5***** excellence. You opened my eyes to somethings i never thought about before, But some of what you said i already knew.
Please keep up the excellent work, and much love to you and your cause.
I applaud your message of freedom from mind manipulation and just for freedom

LightWorker2008 writes... (in a post that indicates that the shit is spreading...)

"I've just found your videos through a forum and i think they are great! I just wish more people would see the world for what it is and you show it so well in your videos."


Should I be digging a bomb shelter?

Dwight's Perfect Crime

You're gonna get slapped so super hard

Massive Baghdad Protest Over US Troops Agreement

detheter says...

I'd be interested to see if President Obama, come January 20th, 2009, chooses to abide by all these last minuet agreements and documents rammed down our collective throats by the outgoing Bush Administration, I foresee another such meeting being held after the transition is complete, with an altered outcome.

Guitar Hero - World Tour Drum Kit - Geek

detheter says...

Drum hero. Lame, he could learn actual drums, but instead prefers to follow the guitar parts on his plastic toy pads, just like all the little boys that like to jump around and play with their little plastic toy make belief "guitars".

German Idol Death Metal Audition

detheter says...

This post will help you distinguish between good death metal and bad death metal. And before I go off making fun of any bands, I'll stop myself because I could post all day. And It wouldn't be fair. Once you get past the vocals of a band even as terrible as cannibal corpse, you can see the talent and sheer brutality that goes into even their music.

Bad Death Metal:

Anything with guttural vocals that lacks true talent and is lyrically and substantively rediculous and on the surface of things.

Good Death Metal:

You'll find here:

A list of well known Death Metal bands that range from being old and new, technical to somewhat melodic, although I avoided any Melodic Death Metal. I listen to all sorts of Good Metal, and am constantly finding new bands from all over the globe that play under it's diverse and well followed umbrella of styles, people, and sounds.





Cephalic Carnage

Bolt Thrower






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