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Arch Enemy - We Will Rise

Do ANYTHING with nunchuks!

1932 Helicron

Heavy Metal Nursery Rhymes

Heavy Metal Nursery Rhymes

Angry cat: Om Nom Nom NOM

detheter says...

>> ^smooman:
>> ^illeto:
>> ^smooman:
fuck cats

ohh, the internet is not going to like you.

It's really no concern of mine what kind of ill disposition "imaginary" internet peoples (most of whom I share no real meaningful social interaction with and, more likely, of whom I'll never meet in my lifetime) may have towards me because I have a differing preference in domestic pets.
But thanks for giving me a heads up =)
And boo to whomever downvoted my comment, damn cat lover!

You can see who downvoted comments by mousing over the down and up arrows.

San Francisco to Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

detheter says...

>> ^Psychologic:
I wonder how they would test whether you're driving "under the influence". They can check for metabolites, but I wonder if there is a good way to test for active THC in the blood.
Either way, I hope it passes. People will use it whether it is legal or not, but it would be nice to stop clogging the prisons with, and taking the money of, non-violent weed smokers. Taxes > Fines.

In 1990, the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reported that 12.8% of those involved in fatal truck accidents showed signs of cannabis use in postmortem examination. However, that statistic is an unreliable indicator of the effects of cannabis on driving performance in a majority of those cases. A much larger NTSB study published in 1988 found that those drivers using only cannabis accounted for 2.2% of fatal accidents. That report concluded, “THC plays a relatively minor role in fatal traffic accidents as compared with alcohol.” - whole article,

smooman (Member Profile)

Fox News: Bobby Jindal Bombed

Angry cat: Om Nom Nom NOM

Mac users MUST use hands to communicate!

Mass Effect 2 Teaser Trailer

Will Rock Band Drums Teach You Real World Drumming?

detheter says...

So, i was going to go on a rant about how this video is flawed, but i will break it down into bit sized chunks.

Coheed and Cambria suck.

Their music is simple.

The kit they play might as well be a rock band kit for the size of it, all four pieces wow.

The guy has played drums before.

This is a lousy excuse for an interview.


Lets see him pull off something by a drummer like Neil Pert, Mike Portnoy, or Tomas Haake. Put this guy behind a drumkit, say, even a six piece, or an eight like I play, or a 12, and see him fall apart like a little baby.

Weather Channel & 30000 scientists sue Al Gore for fraud

detheter says...

So, i'm from Canada, right? I'm 24. When I was a kid, i'd walk to school.
Every day would be -45 degrees Celsius outside, I couldn't catch my breath, i'd get frostbite, a runny nose, and my feet would be chilled numb, and there was never a Halloween that passed without having to brave the cold and snow for the candy.

Time passes.

Now, the winter months are a shell of the former frigid might, we get what are called Chinooks ( coming over the mountains more often now than ever before, we have days where it reaches +11 degrees C in months not generally known for it, and it stays that way for a week, before returning to like, what, -1dC, yeah sure we get cold days, it's winter, but just, you feel that each passing winter is the easiest to get through, and warmest in comparison to those that have passed before. I don't get sick as much, if ever. Colds are almost a distant thing of the past. And the last two Halloween nights have been snow free affairs, which I though would not happen, again, due simply to the time of the season.

My whole problem with Global Warming, is that it is too politicized for what it is. I dream for a day where people realize that we are owed clean and efficient technologies. We demand them! not for global warming's sake, or to fight pollution, but rather because that is progress, and trying to justify stalling out progress in the name of the status quo, is just foolish. I want to fill my car with electricity, and surf the web on the sun! Why are these things that are bad in any way? Why shouldn't everyone want to have a low cost utility bill every month, or be capable of running your meters backwards, and contributing to the grid? We spend our whole lives taking every opportunity to make ourselves more comfortable, and to be able to provide for our loved ones. Except now, with this.

What will it be, dogma, or progress? That is the choice, and that is the argument. However, history has shown that people, when confronted by unyielding ideology, fight for progress. May this be another of those times.

Cheers, Dave
From Calgary

(The place, you know, in between the arctic circle, and the middle of America, and seeing global warming unfold out my window right now.)

Where Are The Bankers, Barney Frank?

detheter says...

Maybe after you all lose your jobs and your economy goes down in flames, you'll stand up to these bankers that have supplanted the power in your land, overthrow and execute them, and reclaim your nation. However, as far as I can see, America still has the same eyes shut mouth open attitude that was prevalent pre-Obama. You give billions of dollars, for what? so that the rich can stay richer and the poor can grow fatter? You asked for change. A recession / depression is just what the doctor ordered. I wouldn't worry about this vid. hopefully there are no hearings, and eventually all these corporations go bankrupt. Who could possibly be there to benefit from the decentralization of power, hmmm? you? How can Obama get any of his legislation passed without overwhelming public outcry and crisis?

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