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Perfect Pictures of an Imperfect World

crim says...

I hate to burst your bubble Doc_M (I really do, since I was moved by this video also), but the reason there are no credits, and the reason the video feels like it stops suddenly, is because the last 2 seconds are cut off.

In those last 2 seconds you would see the logo for Fotoprix, and you would realise that your emotions were strummed for the sake of selling their cameras. Enjoy.

here is the full version on youTube:

Helicopter Gunship - Holy crap! That's some heavy firepower!

crim says...

Bullets and helicopters may defeat an army, but you will never conquer a people with military might. USA could not beat the Vietnamese, they cannot beat the Iraqis. For claiming to have the best military in the world they sure get their asses handed to them by a lot of third world, donkey cart riding peasants on a regular basis. Better hope the USA never has to actually fight against a real country.

Kermit the Frog - Hurt

crim says...

Wow. At first I thought it was just a novelty, somebody's idea of poor taste, but as it went on (and especially when Kermit looks over at Jim Henson's photograph) I really started to feel his pain. In the 70's and 80's The Muppet Show was THE show to be on for celebrities. You knew you had made in in Hollywood when you appeared on The Muppet Show.

( see here for a list of human guests: )

And now? Well, the world moves on, Disney buys you and shelfs you. SpongeBob and Aqua Teen Hunger Force are here, Kermit is past his prime.

This video touched me.

Grave of the Fireflies - Someday Soon

Nick Zitsmann on American Idol ... a bit left of center

Pendulum - Slam (drum n bass)

Woman mispronounces Tidy Cat on Price is Right

crim says...

No, the contestant. She sees the word "Tidy" but does not know how to pronounce it, so she says "Tiddy", but the audience understandably hears it as "Titty". If she done learned her ABCs gooder then she may not have made such a fool of herself on television.

30 Minutes To Die By Lethal Injection

crim says...

Here here, Empire. The death penalty is a filthy, barbaric practice. It has no place in civilised society and it needs to be left behind like slavery, torture, and religion.

We cannot move to the next stage in the development of the human species until we can overcome our ancient vices; revenge being one of them.

Foot caught in rope swing - Ouch! (17 secs)

crim says...

He seems to have three moments of injury. 1) when the weight of his body pulls the rope tight on his foot 2) on the backswing, while dangling upside down, he smacks his head on a large rock 3) his body his the cliff face.

It really looks like the second one is was the most damaging, though it is hard to see.

Fox News correspondant gets waterboarded

crim says...

Wumpus, you misunderstand. You (America) is not supposed to be fighting their War to beat or punish Terrorists. The noble goal of this crusade is to spread freedom. you cannot spread freedom by stooping to vile and disgusting tactics.

America has become a country filled with hate, it is no longer fit to stand amongst the free and good countries of the world. if you want to see free people, truly free and happy people, then you should visit Holland, Canada, Australia, Sweden, or a dozen other countries where people can live a full and content life without fear.

you create your own fear, you breed hatred with your hatred. Listen to the words of Yoda regarding the path to the dark side.

Please Vote . . .but don't get maced

World's Longest Tongue- Guinness World Record (1:15)

Policeman Pepper Spray Teen For Short Change

crim says...

lucasgreen, are you stupid? If I am to judge you based soley on your above post then I would say you are disorderly, and if you conduct yourself in such a disorderly manner then you can expect to get arrested for that.

Common courtesy regardless of whether someone is an officer or not should be your default behavior. Perhaps you would get arrested less often if you weren't so aggressive.

This officer witnessed a crime being commited (perhaps he was mistaken, it certainly looks like it, but he did not have the benefit of the video we just watched). He attempted to place the girl under arrest for petty theft and she resisted. It is not for him to stand and argue or reason with her, he has a procedure to follow.

No harm would have come to her is she had been a little more friendly. She could have argued the same case in a civil tone of voice and I will bet you the outcome would also have been more civil.

I hope when her "momma" got there she smacked some manners into her child, and perhaps she can smack some manners into you while she's at it.

Woman mispronounces Tidy Cat on Price is Right

crim says...

She is not saying "Titty Cat", she said "Tiddy Cat". This is just a classic case of an under educated American public, stumped by simple polysyllabic words. I guess one child got left behind.

Wheelchair Stunts (1st ever 'wheelchair backflip' @ 2:20)

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