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257.7 MPH Standing Mile World Record Ford GT 2012 Texas Mile

conan says...

Hmmm where does this mention a world record? all i could see is some sort of certificate issued by the owner of the race track. wouldn't a world record need proof by i don't know FIA, Guiness World Records ony similar?

From mach-20 glider to humming bird drone

conan says...

Yes, because developing military systems that can reach any point on this planet in less than sixty minutes while carrying "more payload than just a camera" is the perfect answer to her question what should be your ultimate goal to work on if you knew you couldn't fail. What about world peace? ;-) I know, i'm some sort of hippie...

Nevertheless: One of the best TED talks i've seen so far and besides the military agenda a great motivator. Should be shown in schools to encourage young minds to keep an open mind towards engineering and science careers instead of just focusing on business and management positions.

Parkour on a bike

Tenacious D - To Be The Best

Trillion-Dollar Jet Wasting Your Taxes -- TYT

conan says...

>> ^raverman:

This strikes me as a thing that just wouldn't exist if more women were in charge of things.
It's only exciting to male gadget arousal and the little subconscious boy inside that wants to go back to playing war with futuristic fantasy lasers and bombs and things that go VROOOOMMMM.
But then if women were in charge all that money would have been spent on bailing out the industrial complex of makers, buyers, and sellers of shoes and buildings full of doctors and nurses. Sounds like socialism!

as much as this is a cliche: i still have to agree.

Awesome Touch Screen Universe Map

Genki Sudo - WORLD ORDER in New York

Man Sues Secret Service (Arrested After Insulting Cheney)

Challenge: Don't Watch - Just Listen

conan says...

>> ^luxury_pie:

>> ^mxxcon:
Your tags suck!
Once this video will fall of the front page, your title, tags and description will make it impossible to find it again.
You are making videosift's search less useful.

Thanks for the remark. I'll change them before the video gets lost in the void of the sift.
>> ^Trancecoach:
can't believe we're reduced to sifting America's Funniest Videos.

A very sad day indeed.

about 90% of the tags on this page make no sense, most prominent example being words put in tags that already occur in the title. so don't feel to bad, videosift isn't exactly about great tagging :-)

Super Cool Way To Launch A Missile From A Ship

conan says...

>> ^Unsung_Hero:

>> ^surfingyt:
thats pretty cool. i wonder how many college tuitions each one cost.

Perhaps you should move to a country where they don't spend very much money on their military... Have fun earning your college degree in Gambia.
Oh and.. Just a heads up, there might be a correlation between a nations wealth (The ability to house institutions with quality education) and their military status.

-deleted, not worth the argument

Iron Sky - Nazis On The Moon

conan says...

>> ^MonkeySpank:

What's the point of having Nazi's on the moon? There are no Jews up there. Oh, and the technical term used in the field is Tritium, not Helium-3. Fucking Hollywood...

I'd say they're referencing Frank Schätzing.

...and i'm keen to see reactions of German Feuilleton when this hits the cinemas over here.

Prometheus - International Trailer

Cheeky, but clever, McDonalds advert

conan says...

Feels somewhat deja-vu but again: this is NOT a real commercial. there are laws against "negative" ads in germany.

BeetleCam gets right up close to the lions

conan says...

>> ^deathcow:

>> ^conan:
oh boy this guy is so in love with himself.

based on what

i'm afraid i do not know how to express myself in english in this certain case. i just don't like they way he presents his admittedly cool toy, too much self-praise in the presentation / design of the clip.

but hey, who am i to judge... :-/

Coke & Pepsi changes formula to avoid cancer warnings

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