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"Kara" - Quantic Dream's real-time tech demo

conan says...

>> ^dag:

Is it really bad?>> ^conan:
should have made 200 instead of 300 languages, maybe her german would be better then :-P

on the grammar side it's perfect but the pronounciation is roughly the same as me trying to pass as native english speaker ;-) Especially the "...dritter Generation" sounds to german ears as if some speech synthesizing software from 1985 produced it :-)

Googol and Googolplex - Numberphile

conan says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

I remember writing a googol across three blackboards in grade school -- must've taken an hour or longer to do it.

Even if writing a single "0" took you 5 seconds, writing 100 of them would only take you 500 seconds, i.e. a little over 8 minutes. Your sense of time back in grad school has obviously been influenced by weed or similar :-)

BeetleCam gets right up close to the lions

"Kara" - Quantic Dream's real-time tech demo

Happy Dog Has A Laser Pointer On His Collar

The latte zoo- (mixed animal latte pours)

Mate Herding

Urthecast Video- 24/7 HD video, live from the Space Station

Stunning Night Footage of Earth from the Space Station

conan says...

amusing that generations in the not so far future will look at this and just go "meh, crappy video quality". Just as we do with footage of the moon landings...

The Fastest Fiat You've Ever Seen

conan says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

The burping of the engine when he downshifts is called a heel and toe downshift and it's used to keep the engine rev's equal to the speed of the wheels when shifting. His toe is on the brake and he moves his heel over and gooses the gas as he shifts. If you don't do this, the engine goes to idle when you clutch. When you let the clutch out, the engine then has to suddenly go from idle back to rev's that match your speed. This causes your car will lurch and make all kinds of trouble. This guy is a master and probably isn't even conscious that he does it anymore.

invented alegedly by Walter Röhrl. demonstration via inboard camera:

Assassin's Creed 3 - Reveal Trailer

Cat Trap

conan says...

>> ^Jinx:

I find that if you just leave a cardboard box around the cat will find its way inside on its own. All you need do is close the lid.

that's why i am an avid amazon shopper. i only do it for certain box lovers ;-) ========>>

Dog gets Sad When His Toy Mouse Runs Out

Fastest Way to Remove an Engine

Tattoo Removal Procedures and Some CRAZY Tattoo Art

conan says...

Didn't know anything about his past but when i read on Wikipedia
Wahlberg has stated: "I did a lot of things that I regret, and I have certainly paid for my mistakes."
and right next to it
[...] was sentenced to two years in jail at Boston's Deer Island House of Correction, of which he served 45 days
when the "mistakes" he refers to are hate crimes, beating folks and leaving them jaw-broken or blinded i feel disgusted for liking him and actually admiring his acting performances. Thanks for pointing that out to me, Videosift. I will avoid anything with this fucker in it from now on.

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