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Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army

Algorithm March! with Ninjas!

A Personal God - Dem Debate Question

codenazi says...

actually... it's a perfectly good question to bring up in a political debate, as it's a very nice litmus test to who to not support, as they are obviously either delusional "believers" or dominionist threats to freedom.

Obama did come closest... as he's the only one that actually mentioned the real solution to those problems, but even he is still spouting this religious idiocy

FanimeCon 2004 - Roleplayers explaining their powers

Al Gore = Scaremonger

codenazi says...

nothing is wrong with conservation - the fallacy that a lot of people seem to get into is that the opposite of "Al Gore's movie was idiotic" is not "we should keep polluting a lot".

Pollution, oil dependence, etc, are all bad for a variety of reasons, regardless of the state of Global Warming.

Perpetual Motion

codenazi says...

did we really need 9min of footage to show yet another demonstration of someone who doesn't understand conservation of energy?

I'm guessing electromagnets kicking the suspiciously-not-well-filmed pendulums.

Penis lifts tombstone

What should the penalty be for having an illegal abortion?

codenazi says...

wow... the one that I saw as the extra big insanity was the girl that thought that "life in prison" was an ok possibility: when asked "if it's illegal, do you think some women would still have abortions?" it took her a long while to realize "yes".

Why do some idiots think that "making something illegal" means "that thing never happens"? I mean, we made weed illegal and now we have this wonderful pot-free country!


Will It Blend? - iPhone

codenazi says...

I'm actually amazed at how long the screen stayed lit in the slo-mo replay. It took quite a beating before it finally shut off...

/that battery being blended looks pretty toxic, btw

Guitar Hero 2 - Xpert Jordan 5star

codenazi says...


Screw buckehead! I can beat every other freaking song in both GH and GH2, but that one is just rude with those extended solos of solid arpeggios and scales.

Even with full star-power going in, I still can't get past 57% - half way through the 2nd part of the big solo in the middle.


/the song is cool, though, so I really want to be able to play it...
//runs and hides now

There are bad game movies, and REALLY BAD game movies...

Is Atheism a Fad? (The Fox Delusion)

codenazi says...

atheism a fad?

Why does that sound like the same ignorant bigotry that came out of some people when they called my bisexuality "just a phase you are going through"?

Sigh... you'd think that people would realize that childish trivializing and name-calling doesn't really help get your point across. I'd call it mental masturbation, but I think saying that fox is "preaching to the choir" is more appropriate here.

Dad goes to jail

Guilty Gear XX #Reload - Intro

Paradox Sift: The Liar's Paradox

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