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Recoil Fun

codenazi says...

you know... when I've shot guns in the past, I actually liked to be able to HIT the thing I was aiming at, not have the gun bound out of my hands. If you need something this big, shouldn't it have some kind of stand or mount or something? To keep it stable?

I'd be afraid that huge recoil could break your arm/shoulder, too...

Quick Science Sift 11:Absurdly dangerous liquid mercury demo

codenazi says...

sigh... people are so paranoid about things these days. Mercury isn't THAT toxic, people. If you are so paranoid about mercury that you fear a tub of it releasing vapors for a while, I hope you never eat tuna or most shellfish...

The detectors most people use to scare people with detect the mercury vapor a levels much smaller than are biologically relevant.

Would I recommend leaving a tub of mercury out? No. Is a fume hood recommended for general safety? Yes. But... is this demo "absurdly dangerous"? Nowhere close. Especially when you compare it to the videos on here of people randomly setting themselves on fire, etc.

Now... he put his Zippo in the mercury, and I don't know if I'd use that lighter again - I'm not sure what would happen with the heat from the flame on residual mercury...

Remove a car dent easy

Double Your Gas Mileage!

codenazi says...

I love how a bunch of his "idea" is basically "do the proper maintenance on your car."

As for the acetone thing, I've seen some decent evidence that it is only useful on some older cars where the carburetor is not as efficient as it could be. Modern cars were already aerosolized the gas about as good as you could get...

(not to mention that acetone will eventually eat through the rubber fuel hoses/gaskets/etc...)

Ikaruga Last Stage - Double Play

codenazi says...

the extra insane part about this run is he basically always has the group-of-3 multiplier!

It's not as evident in this level, but when you kill things in groups of three of the same color (white, black), you get a multiplier increase. So each player (hand) is killing things in WWW or BBB type patterns.

Also, I especially love at the end where he uses the ships as shields for each other, one of each color.

How A Fuel Cell Works

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: The Tunnel

codenazi says...

sigh... this one time a few friends of mine and I were watching a dvd, turned it off, and Willy Wonka happened to be just starting on free TV. One friend had never seen it, so we decided it would be a good idea to introduce her to the wonder that is Wonka. Anyway... they got to the tunnel scene, and right as they were getting into the boat it went to commercial.

No problem, we though... it had just been several long songs, so they were due for the commercial break. When it got back, though... they were getting of the boat!

they cut the tunnel scene!

I guess it's "too scary" to have on free TV or something. I don't think we ever shut off a movie that fast, we were so pissed it was cut.

Panorama: Wi-Fi - A Warning Signal

codenazi says...

sigh... more insanity from people that don't understand the difference between "ionizing radiation" and "RF heating".

And I don't get the claim that there's "no studies". Of coruse there are - radio has been studied to death. Just because we put a different signal on it (802.11) doesn't make it different... which still totally ignores that 802.11 transmitters are way weaker than most radios out there.

Animaniacs Star Warners: Animaniacs and Star Wars crossover.

Teller Speaks

codenazi says...

wow, he just summed up the best part I love about magic. It doesn't matter if you know how the tricks work - it's all about misdirection, the showmanship, playing off what you think you know. A magician that knows their audience well enough to fool them like this, even if it's the reverse of what the "trick" normally is, is wonderful.

Final Fantasy 7 - Knights of the Round

A few of Scientology's smear tactics

codenazi says...

sigh... why doesn't all this idiocy get smacked down by libel/slander laws? Theoretically smearing someone like this is not legal. Of course, TRW/Choicepoint/Equifax/etc get away with saying false things about people every day, so I guess libel laws only count if you're going after the "little people".

/still pissed the CoS took down back in '95.

How to Witness to a Homosexual

GT Countdown - Top Ten Consoles

codenazi says...

xbox? A total latecomer for this. (either one, too)

The consoles they are talking about were (mostly) an order of magnitude more popular and set trends.

Seriously, the NES should have been number one. The PS1 may have stolen the largest library and popularity later, but the entire industry would be stuck in the post-Atari screwed up market after they destroyed it with ET/etc.

James Randi explains Homeopathy

codenazi says...

Willow bark has the same active ingredient as Aspirin, Valerian root as Valium

Correct on asprin, but valerian root most certainly does not contain any diazepam (Valium). It seems to have a related action at the GABA sites, so it's probably similar in some ways, but it is a different chemical.

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