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The Worlds most dangerous drug - documentary by N.G.

codenazi says...

*stopped watching pretty early*

wow, such obvious propaganda.

I love how they always love to show the bad teeth and such, which only comes to idiots that (*shudder*) don't brush their teeth. It sure makes for a scary picture, though.

Can anybody who could actually stomach watching this idiotic scare-mongering tell me if they ever mention that methamphetamine is still sold to kids under the brand-name "desoxin"? That the "most dangerous drug" is FDA approved?

Microwave a 250w bulb

codenazi says...

I question if they are really making a plasma here... (at least at first.) I think the microwaves may just be causing the phosphor in the bulb to fluoresce.

There are techniques to make plasma in a microwave, that require a carbon source (just put out candle works well). When the bulb blows at the end, I wonder if the filament in the bulb works like that...

Fluorescent bulbs (and neon, probably) will light up near any strong electric field from the induced current, but that's not "plasma" either.

Meh... nothing will top microwaving a CD and getting the spider-web pattern of sparks. ^_-

Myspace Censoring Ron Paul!

codenazi says...

The spam-filter theory has some merit, and I have to admit to not knowing much about how myspace works (I avoid such obvious idiocy, usually...), but one thing stood out: the "phishing detected" warning.

It wasn't a spam warning, it wasn't some copy&paste annoyance warning, it was a "your account may be compromised" warning. That seems like a strange think to trip that consistently from a message post like that.

Also... I didn't get a good enough look at it, but I wonder if the copy&paste was just for the video, so he could retry it a bunch. Meh. I'm no good at detecting such c&p memes - any web design that looks like it's trying to recreate the "joy" of Geocities makes my eyes bleed... @,@

Formula One's Infamous "Wall of Champions"

Myspace Censoring Ron Paul!

The Gay Bomb

Gnarls Barkley's 'Crazy' On A Theremin - Awesome

Does anyone believe we should allow gays to serve openly

codenazi says...

wow, choggie... your incoherent mumbling is way crazier than usual. A few more drinks than usual before posting or something?

/ignoring you along with gluonium...

Does anyone believe we should allow gays to serve openly

codenazi says...

"a majority maybe"

Umm... nowhere close. Most gay people I know like guys, not guys acting like women. You just notice the latter more because they (obviously) are the group to jump in front of the cameras when possible.

oh, and "I don't mind if you're gay, as long as you act straight in public [the military]" has always been a horribly flawed policy. If they really want to implement this "don't tell" policy as it's "disruptive", they need to kick out every person that talks about their girlfriend at home. A gay man talking about his boyfriend will be kicked out, even though it's logically equivalent.

It's not like the homophobic religious-right is any stranger to hypocrisy, though.

Today is a Sift Milestone (Sift Talk Post)

codenazi says...

"cat /var/log/apache/access_log | grep /myscript.php | wc -l" or similar incantations (that is, filter the logs...)

Most modern (moving to 2.0 is useful) versions let you split the logfiles by vhost as well, which is nice and accurate.

My point, though is google-analytics is not accurate either.

SiftBot has removed the Related Links "Feature" (Sift Talk Post)

Today is a Sift Milestone (Sift Talk Post)

codenazi says...


It's even higher then, as some of us ban *,, and similar as a general rule (along with generally not running untrusted javascript and such).

Your apache logs (if that "Apache/1.3.37 (Unix)" is to be believed) are probably more accurate...

Guy Flips His Jeep Over Backwards....Hope It's Insured

Hardware - Trailer

Feedback on Religious Dialogue in Comments (Sift Talk Post)

codenazi says...

For the record, I'm an atheist, and while I personally believe religion is a hateful and damaging institution (in all forms), for the subject of internet forums, people (on all sides)need to learn to grow thicker skin. If this offends you, I hope you never find 4chan or browse slashdot at -1...

A parody, not intended for the promotion of anything, but to hopefully give those on the pro-religion side a different prespective to think about.:

This message was received from [anonymous] at [anonymous]

I've enjoyed visiting VideoSift for some time now. But even though I've considered joining the community, there's something that I find quite disturbing--the level of harsh, hateful language directed towards religious beliefs the peaceful church of scientology in the posts and comments.

The comments on this post are absolutely shocking in their rabid, nearly psychotic intolerance. They call our legitimate religion a cult! I would ask you to make similar strict guidelines to discourage videos or comments that talk about religion or spirituality scientology or dianetics in ways that are intolerant, prejudiced, and hateful. Discussing religion in a frank, probing, and respectful carefully controlled, profitable way is vital in the world we live in to our profit margins, and I have no problem with videos or comments that encourage me to think critically carry our party line dogma about these issues. However, the kinds of comments I've seen on this website only degrade the VideoSift community and discourage visitors like me from joining encourage lawsuits from us. Please consider taking steps to ensure that VideoSift will be more welcoming and as a result more successful I won't have to send our lawyers after you for betraying our scams. Thank you.

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