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"Grass" - History of Marijuana Documentary

How to tweak your LCD for the best Videosifting. And porn.

MS Paint God

how to create a sexy pop star

Kate Winslet: "Cameron Diaz could eat me under a table"

Building the Star Destroyer (time elapsed) 4 minutes

cobalt says...

budzos: you do realise that this kit mainly uses generic grey plates right? Its not like the bionical crap that uses specialised pieces for everything. This is one of the few kits still sold by lego which *does* conform to the original principles.

I've got it and its bloody amazing but too big to put on display in my small room. I've constructed many other things from the pieces although I was most proud of the Type 42 destroyer.

NVIDIA ... Overclocking for the Serious Gamers!

cobalt says...

I've got an X1800XT right now and I don't intend to upgrade again until the second gen DX10 cards come out. I'm interested to see whether it will be nVidea or AMD who has the best DX10 solution.

Heck until recently I was still using a 9800pro, although that card has aged exceptionally well and can still get decent performance if you don't mind loosing the eye-candy.

Katana Demonstration

Microsoft Computer Prank ... A Desktop to Remember!

cobalt says...

Better version of this is to create a folder called something like "donkey sex" and then take the screenshot. Then only delete that folder so when you apply the desktop everything works except that one offensive folder which they can't get rid of

Its less obvious than when the entire desktop doesn't work.

Train Stops For 2mins + Gets Covered In Graffiti. Very Cool.

cobalt says...

Deano: Graffiti art is a style all of its own which is why it all looks similar. It doesn't just mean defacing a surface by painting it, although thats essentially what it gets used for. I'm going to go play some Jet Set Radio Future now

National Geographic debunks martial arts' Chi

cobalt says...

Can we remove the karate tag please. If anything it should be kung fu seeing as that is one of the martial arts that actually relies on chi. The closest you get in karate is the kiai, which is a shout to focus yourself and to scare your opponent.

I hate it when anything remotely related to martial arts gets a "karate" tag.

Stephen Colbert - Formidable Opponent on Torture(March 2006)

CG Liquid like you've never seen before. Amazing.

Republican attack ad on Harold Ford. Pulled due to sexism.

British MP smacks down US Senator in hearing (5/17/05)

cobalt says...

Galloway is still a self-righteous bastard who cares nothing for the current situation and who's main interest lies in critising the government on past mistakes.

While I may agree with some of his points, his rhetoric does not impress me in the slightest. He may be a great speaker but his overall view and attitude is so at odds with my own that I can barely stand to listen to him.

baseballlord made an ass of himself but so did all those who argued against him. Insults are *never* the way to make your point seem superior. I realise calling you all asses makes me hypocritical but then I'm not bothered about you actually caring what I think. Political debate on the internet is a minefield and always leads to trouble. Even as I type this I'm starting to regret posting this so I'll do it before I lose my nerve

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