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Rhino Flips Out

bremnet says...

If you dress up your car like a zebra, you should expect to be rolled by a rhino. Mortal enemies, don't ya know. You've never seen a Chevy Impala in the lion pen have you?

Teleoperation Of RC Car Using Wraparound Screen

Mother and Son Witness Tornado Touching Down

bremnet says...

I've been in every type of winter storm you can name (from Canada eh!), sandstorms in Saudi, monsoons in Thailand, typhoons in the Philippines, several wet seasons in northern Australia, and a fair few hurricanes here in Texas. But tornadoes - the tricky unpredictable bastards that you can't predict, plan for or gear up for, Mother Nature's switch blade, are the only things out there that freak me out.

"Holy shit, this is crazy" is the right response.

Now we can even bowl from the couch

bremnet says...

Oops. Sorry folks... didn't dig enough for the origin. Thanks Crushbug. Kind of wondered about the how much force would be required to hold the ball at that rpm, but fell for it.

BSR said:


It's like Liquid Nitrogen - but Fire!

bremnet says...

No courage. Do liquid oxygen + methane (same method) and then we'll talk. P.s. 293 million tonnes of liquid methane (mostly) were produced in 2018, as LNG.

Michelin Introduce Puncture Proof Airless Tire

bremnet says...

Yes, yes and no so much anymore. The delamination / damage from bumps and potholes have been pretty much resolved in the Michelin and Bridgestone designs (according to Michelin and Bridgestone - ahem...) Haven't seen any reports on whether running temps are worse lately, but hard to make the comparison (the #1 root cause of tire failure today is under-inflation so tires running hotter than design). Now with 10 or more of the big boys in the hunt for the best airless design, will be an interesting ride. The concept out of SciTech Industries in Florida is neato, but they are a (relatively) smaller startup, so might get lost in the scramble, though producing a lighter tire with less heat build (quite a different concept compared to Michelin). cheers

SFOGuy said:

Nice. I think, from what I recall, the engineering challenges are heat build up, weight (more than a regular tire), and bump absorption.

Rambo-Last Blood

Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

bremnet says...

ChaosEngine + BSR - you guys crack me up, this one's going in the archives. Funny lads - Cheers*

*with honey mead of course, none of that hops and barley stuff. I mean, only if the bees can hold it together for few more months, 'cause it's either them or the frogs going first.

Bill Nye the Science Guy - The Planet is on Fucking Fire!!!

Angry Rhino Charges

bremnet says...

What do you do when an angry rhino charges?
You take away his credit cards.
(Sorry. Somebody had to do it, and today happens to be Self Deprecating Wednesday at work...)

Spontaneous Synchronization

Popocatepetl Eruption


bremnet says...

In the spirit of pervasive negativity on the internet, "A good father would have gutted the croc to get the prize barra for Daniel. How shameful." (but really - "how the fuck does he keep the camera on the croc when being chased by something that will eat the both of them?" I don't know how fast or far a croc can run, but I'm willing to let someone else figure it out.)

Grooveless metal engineering

bremnet says...

No, it's not EDM. It's machined. We produce a variety of cylinder / piston pairs, some with keyed anti rotation or beveled flanges to prevent pull through. The achievement of a visually seamless interface between two parts is certainly not trivial, but with care and the proper sequence of machining steps (guess which face you mill last? right - the one the user sees as seamless) you can do this on good quality CNC's with the right cutters. EDM'ing the complex curved shapes that truly mate across the surface on the early parts shown in the video is very (prohibitively) difficult, as you have to rely on ram EDM which is plain nasty.

worthwords said:

It's a type of electro discharge machining. It has been around for a while but it's so damn satisfying!

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

bremnet says...

On an otherwise droll Monday morning, you guys up there ↑ sure as hell make me laugh sometimes. Even BSR. No, really. Take the day off, buy yourself something nice.

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