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Drama King bites the dust

Umbilical Brothers, doing their usual funny, freaky stuff

bareboards says...

Oh no!!! Dang s-word is still in the link when I copy it. Any way it can come out of the link? Is it worth all this work?.... Never mind, I just clicked through to the original video site and sent her that link. Thanks for trying... Wish I had thought of it before.

Umbilical Brothers, doing their usual funny, freaky stuff

Umbilical Brothers, doing their usual funny, freaky stuff

bareboards says...

I would really love to share with a little kid, but I can't with the "s--t" in the title. Any chance the title can be changed? She is only 8 years old and lives in the Bible Belt...

I'm a PC

bareboards says...

OOOOooooohhhh, I am divided by this ad! It IS fun. I have a PC myself. But only because I bought the one that was most popular, not the one that was the best. So what is this ad really saying? I'm not proud of my PC ownership.

Canada: Sarah Palin appeals to the White Trash Vote

bareboards says...

Oh, and didn't that poor Canadian journalist look increasingly uncomfortable at the nastiness of the Fox anchor's questions? Relieved it was over, looked like to me.

Canada: Sarah Palin appeals to the White Trash Vote

bareboards says...

I just went and read the article.

I was expecting some Ann Coulter far left rant.

Instead, it actually made a lot of sense. I personally don't like the white trash, hillbilly references but that was such a minor part of the article.

The nastiness is completely tame compared to Rush Limbaugh et al.

It's the intellectual dishonesty that is driving me crazy. Poor Palin being attacked! Big deal. This is nothing compared to how Republicans have traditionally verbally abused their opponents.

Grow a pair, Fox News, just grow a pair.

Barack Obama Press Conference Sept. 16, 2008 Part 1

bareboards says...

McCain is saying don't dump all your stock and don't take your money out of the bank and buy gold.

If everyone did that, we would really and truly be in the dumper.

FUNDAMENTALS, you guys, FUNDAMENTALS. Which means the stock market and the banks. McCain has always followed up by saying that there are things to address.

Rachel Maddow: Palin Will Not Cooperate With Investigation

bareboards says...

Sorry E_Nygma. I rather pride myself on my English skills. I'll have to head to a dictionary. Doesn't feel like such a sin to me, but then that's why you are frustrated and I am not.

Barack Obama Press Conference Sept. 16, 2008 Part 1

bareboards says...

My comment about the stock market and the dollar requiring "belief" may be shorthand, but it is still rock solid true.

During the Great Depression, the stock market collapsed and the banks went under when all "belief" in them failed.

When we left behind the "gold standard" -- that is, there wasn't enough gold in vaults to match the money printed, the dollar was valuable only because the entire system was "believed in."

And absolute FORTUNES were made during the Depression by folks who had the resources to go in and buy up all the undervalued stock. Buy when others sell in a panic -- that's one way to make some money.

I know that the dollar is shaky right now -- we have got to do something about our debt to China blah blah.

I still contend that McCain is correct in his impulse to calm everyone down. He isn't absurdly out of touch -- despite Obama and Januari repeating that same phrase -- he is doing the responsible thing.

And he has had to back off from it and now says that psychobabble b.s. about meaning that the "American Worker is fundamentally sound." Give me a break.

It's political sound bite gotcha, and I hate it.

McCain: The Fundamentals of the Economy are Strong

bareboards says...

I am an Obama supporter, can't wait to get rid of the Republicans.

But enough already with jumping on McCain for saying this. What does he mean by the "fundamentals of our economy", folks?

The stock market and the dollar REQUIRE confidence in their basic fundamental use. That is what he is talking about and has always talked about when he has said this phrase. He is actually trying to do a GOOD THING -- to calm the waters so we can gain confidence in the BASICS. Otherwise, we really are in deep doo-doo.

This sound bite political gotcha sickens me. I also know it is the lay of the land these days.

We can be smarter than the average bear, though, and not perpetuate it.

Barack Obama Press Conference Sept. 16, 2008 Part 1

bareboards says...

As much as I want to see Obama elected, he is wrong to attack McCain on the phrase "the fundamentals of our economy are strong."

First McCain always follows with "we do have some problems".

McCain is trying to calm the waters -- the dollar and the stock market REQUIRE that we BELIEVE in them.

Obama is not doing the American economy any favors by saying that he is wrong.

This is sound bite politics, taking comments out of context.

I don't think that Obama can do anything but jump on this. His job right now is to get elected, not calm the economy.

Still, I wish that we weren't so easily... manipulated.

Rachel Maddow: Palin Will Not Cooperate With Investigation

bareboards says...

I have been appalled by Palin's selection since the beginning, due to her inexperience. I have read just about everything I can get my hands on about her.

The Republicans go on about how she has more executive experience than McCain, Obama, Biden, since she actually ran two entities -- Wasilla and the state of Alaska.

What they don't say is what KIND of administrator she was. She fires without following any basic standards of human resource techniques. Yes, she can fire at will. The question is -- SHOULD she fire at will or should she document the shortcomings of her employees and if they don't improve, then fire? She just fires. She is the world's worst employer in terms of treating the people who report to her with any modicum of respect.

What climate of fear now exists in Alaska in terms of anyone criticizing her? They may lose their jobs. That isn't an irrational fear, it is based on her track record. She did it in Wasilla, she did at the state level.

She also has hired close friends into high paying jobs, making much more than they ever did in the private sector. Aren't government jobs supposed to pay less than the private sector? Doesn't this imply they don't have the skills to do the job they were hired for?

What does all this say about how she would run her administration should she become president? What does this say about her ability to deal with heads of states in countries smaller than ours -- which is about all of them, really.

I think she probably has been a good governor for Alaska, with her Wild West ways. It is a small state population-wise. It is oil rich. It is isolated from the rest of the country -- she doesn't even have to get along with other states in the union, the state is so isolated. The government itself is small up there. Her rootin' tootin' bulldozer, bully style can work to ram things through.

These characteristics are horrible in the Leader of the Free World.

She will be more of Bush II -- waving the flag and incapable of working with our traditional allies.

The isolationists may be happy with her -- but in this increasingly "flat" world, it is no longer possible to be isolated on this planet.

What horrifies me the most is that these very characteristics that make her unfit for the job are the very things that the Republican base loves. "Bring it on" says President Bush, and they cheer.

We're in trouble, folks.

C-17 Airshow Flypast

Baby penguins' first steps

bareboards says...

Here's a fun factoid. I live in Port Townsend, a small town of about 8000. Ten years ago, a brave man opened a new cinema in town, hoping to stay alive showing art films. The Rose Theatre. It is fabulous. (And great popcorn.)

The factoid? The single biggest grossing movie -- during a period of Spiderman and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and all those blockbusters -- was March of the Penguins. Second biggest grossing movie? Winged Migration.

This is an amazing small town with a unique population of educated, intelligent creative folks.

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