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Zach Galifiankais SNL Beauty Pageant Skit

MacGruber - Epic Love Scene

IT Crowd's Chris O'Dowd Interview on Conan O'Brien

Baby thinks gargling & spitting is HILARIOUS!

wormwood (Member Profile)

Hand-feeding a Great White Shark

kulpims (Member Profile)

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

arvana says...

That's exactly what happens when you live in a nudist environment, after a while it's just naked people and it's not a big deal.>> ^Payback:

You know, it's odd, at about 2:22 I'm starting to think, this is kinda... meh... I mean, they're nice and and balanced and all, but not in any way sexy. She was sexier before Uncle Fester ripped her dress off.

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator speech + I N C E P T I O N

Will a gun fire in a vacuum?

arvana says...

I made some of my own gunpowder when I was a teenager.  I didn't actually believe it would work, so when I hit it with a hammer, I discovered the meaning of powder burns.  Of course I wasn't wearing a shirt, so I got a nice burn in a line across my belly.

HubTV Cedric Gracia Interview

mudanoman (Member Profile)

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