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American Le Mans Series - "Excitement" Promo

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Woland says...

Yay, let's dilute art with advertising! Great idea!

The Mona Lisa would look great with a pair of "LensCrafter"TM glasses! Michelangelo's David would be much less offensive with an "UnderArmor"TM jockstrap! Rosebud would glide faster with "Super Galaxo MegaSpeed"TM wax! Lawrence of Arabia only drinks from "UltraAqua Rain"TM canteens, and Michael Corleone endorses "Smith & Wesson"TM, brought to you by "Big Boom Super-Cool Awesome Ammo!"R!

Pay me, or I'll ruin your art....

No thanks, I'd rather pay the artist directly for their work than let advertisers into the loop.

I've too often experienced those 3D, full-motion, 20-second NASCAR "bugs" on top of my Shakespeare, David Lean, Mozart, Antonioni, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet's always jarring, and never pleasant.

The presenter answers questions from the audience very poorly as well, saying that people will put up with obnoxious ads only to a point, but has no suggestions as to how to contradict this inherent flaw.

'Let's put ads in, see what peoples' thresholds are, and standardize around that.'

'The intrusive bug / advertisement is implanted deep within your consciousness, which is exactly where the advertiser wants it! Yes!' (he actually exalts in this)

Digital distribution of art is a great thing. Subsidizing it through advertising, and thus adulterating it, is not.

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Woland says...

OK, after posting the following privately to lilitu, I received this response: "Woland, you need to eat shit." I think it's clear I no longer have any interest in seeing her / him back:

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm just as confounded by the self-link rule as you are, but I don't think you're gonna get out of this without a ban. Just roll with it, say you're sorry, create a new account and come back. They will welcome you back.

You obviously have phenomenal insight into art, and you can find most of your current clips on YouTube without having to "self-link."

People on VideoSift clearly like what you like, so you can get back up to speed quickly. Don't take it personally: old-time VS folks have been through this debate many times, and it's been decided to be pretty harsh on any sort of self-linking, even if it isn't self-promotional in any way.

Hope to see more of your videos on VS soon!


Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Woland says...

Hi lilitu, as a new Sifter myself, I understand your point completely, and it is a bit weird, and very confusing, but there are good reasons behind the rule.

I'm sure someone more senior will step in and describe it better than I can.

I still imagine you'll be banned and your videos discarded, but your taste in art is obviously shared by many people here, and I hope you stick around.

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Woland says...

We know where you're coming from with regards to wanting to share quality videos and wanting to ensure they don't die. But you're on a bit of shaky ground at the moment considering you broke the rules, so please do respond again and calmly present your side of the story, and I think you'll find some sympathetic folks.

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Creature Comforts (US) - Secrets and Lies, Hilarious

Fairuz & Nasri - Kuwait 1966 concert finale

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Rooster Terrorizes Neighborhood

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