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So... ya wanna fight ? I dunno, do you ? I dunno, U

The outs and abouts of a Penis (NSFW!)

Michael Moore - America is NOT Broke (Madison, WI March 5th)

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^bobknight33:

High School graduate motivating the masses. Hitler was a high school dropout. Nothing like the uneducated motivating the masses. I don't care for Moore, but just ust had to give a poke
Click for list of Richest 400 Americans So should we just take their billions just because their rich?
Sounds like class warfare.
Agreed, should have let the banks collapse.
Agreed that government is corrupt. Only through strict adherence to the Constitution. That only comes from leaders with a strong moral compass and a people desiring the best for America, not what best for themselves.

So you would rather have people who have a substantially smaller amount of money take a pay cut instead of the rich? This definitely sounds like class warfare.

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Michael Moore - America is NOT Broke (Madison, WI March 5th)

Michael Moore - America is NOT Broke (Madison, WI March 5th)

The Tron Lebowski

Polish Guy tries to beat up old man, gets what's coming

Chain of Fools : Upgrading Through Every Version of Windows

Bill Maher: Debate on Climate Control and New Rules

Where do baby robots come from?

Tymbrwulf says...

Actually this is pretty "decent" when it comes to training nurses/doctors on how to handle live births in a classroom setting. May look a bit disturbing, but the real thing is much more graphic.

Bill O'Reilly still doesn't get the tides

Tymbrwulf says...

A scientific mind asks a question, and doesn't give up when he/she cannot find the answer. If the answer leads to another question, well, you just keep going until you are satisfied with the answer. 2 minutes of just googling and some time spent reading would have brought him to an adequate conclusion. Bill ORLY? just gladly accepts "god did it" when faced with a "tough" question that any 5th grade science teacher can answer.

Man, fuck that guy for having a platform spreading this uneducated bullshit.

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