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Skin Gun - Holy Grail of Burn Surgery

Tymbrwulf says...

Upvote, but this redditor said it best:

>> ^Redditor:

If this works as they claim it does it is simply amazing...

However, as a scientist (genomics/developmental biology) I am skeptical of the lack of evidence provided. They showed an image of "what his burn might have looked like" wasnt even him... and then showed the fully healed results (saying it was like that after 4 days)

I'm assuming this was filmed well after the 4 days unless his hair grew back in 4 days as well.

I'm not sure why they wouldnt show the progress over the 4 day period, or at the very least a before/after shot of his hand, arm, shoulder, face, whatever. It can't be b/c it was too graphic, they showed other scars... and it can't be b/c there weren't photos taken of his progress. If this is a new technique which is in testing phases, or trying to get it to market there must be tons of documentation and with that pics/video of the progress.

The idea is sound, and do not doubt it works as good if not better than current grafting techniques, but I do doubt that he was fully healed in 4 days and looking like he did on the video

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Tymbrwulf says...

The only reason we thought of this as comedy is BECAUSE we've seen the other video (which was pretty funny TBH). Out of context, this video is tagged well enough to warn you about it's contents.

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Tymbrwulf says...

This is NOT about taking sides. This is about the absurdity of using this kind of political rhetoric in campaigns. Any kind of calls to violence of this sort should be frowned upon. People need to be responsible for their words, and in this case, Palin's words just happened to be related to a random act of violence. This is not directly Palin's fault because both sides are at fault, but this is an example of what this kind of rhetoric can lead to and how dangerous it actually is.

>> ^TangledThorns:

The Left trying to pin this on Palin will only blow back in their face. Besides, the left have used this kind of imagery and rhetoric many times, see below, so stop the hypocrisy!

>> ^COriolanus:

Look, we need to get some things straight:
1. There is no proven link between the shooter and any group. ANY group.
2. One can denounce the "gun targeting" fund raiser from an a priori standpoint.
3. The shooter met the Representative in 2007 long before Palin was on the national scene.
4. The shooter was from an economic class under siege, esp. in Arizona after the housing bust. He was booted from school for disruptive behavior, his economic future was bust.
5. If Palin et al. had such a potent effect, we should see daily if not multiple shootings per day, bombings, etc. given the 100s of millions of people she reaches via the media. These things happen for very personal reasons; politics, if it is involved, is just a fig leaf.
Bottom line: trying to score points off of a tragedy like this is the very mindset that puts us where we are as a nation. We need to unplug from the 24 hour news cycle and focus on our own here and now, and the people who are hurting and going unhelped.

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Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^charliem:

Those sticks dont hurt that much. The solid ones do, but not the flick sticks.

My understanding of the construction of these extensible batons is some sort of hard plastic/carbon fiber/whatever with a steel ball at the end.

IMHO the steel ball would still hurt pretty fucking bad when someone is standing over you and swinging in a downwards hammer motion.

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