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eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Man Tells Cop to 'Shut Up' - Madness Ensues

Homeless Man With Golden Radio Voice

Tymbrwulf says...

Just to let everyone know, this guy EXPLODED all over the internet.

>> ^Reddit:

Redditors in Columbus are trying to find Ted Williams but have been unsuccessful so far. A local radio show The Morning Zoo has FOUND Ted for their show tomorrow Wednesday, January 5th at 7:15am EST (you can listen live at the provided link, as soon as the RJs have contact info for me they will shoot me an e-mail and I'll update then!)

TDS: Obama is Luke Skywalker

WL: US bullies Europe on behalf of Monsanto

Tymbrwulf says...

@criticalthud you bring up some valid points, but the evidence behind all of this is still in it's fledgling state and will not be accessible for as long as a couple generations if not more. While I agree that there might be some downfalls to genetic manipulation, a lot of what the application of science comes down to is "if it works well during a study, speed up the process so that the proper effect can be used earlier."

These high-yield crops could be considered a god-send to farmers requiring less expenses and offering more profit.

What I hate about Monsanto and other companies like it are their business strategies and the way they maintain their profit margin.

Carp Under the Ice Stunning Footage of Winter Ice Fishing

TYT: US Tax Dollars Fund Pedophilia - WikiLeaks

Curb Your Enthusiasm (S7) - Larry David as George Costanza

Seinfeld Classic George Gratest clips

Seinfeld - The Snub

2 girls undermine the US border strategy in 18 seconds

Why You Don't Juggle Bowling Balls

Hell have no fury like nerds catching a cheater

A Hydro Electric solution without the "Dam" problem

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