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sheldon wolin-can capitalism and democracy coexist?

This Aerobic Video Wins Everything

bill moyers - sheldon wolin - democracy incorporated

bill moyers - sheldon wolin - democracy incorporated

bill moyers - sheldon wolin - democracy incorporated

Why Asians Are The BEST At Choreography.

Cenk Uygur debates Sam Harris

Truckchase says...

I think the first 5 minutes was the most important part of the conversation. It's bigger than both men and he's got a point. The burden of proof in "journalism" has been on a downward trend for the last 10-20 years and sites like Salon have decided to just throw it out the window outright.

What they've discovered is that spreading "based on a true story" style journalism is much more profitable than traditional journalism and their (relatively) new and growing religion allows them to do it without sin.

This religion is much more damaging than any popular, established religion in practice today. This religion doesn't need buildings or ordained practitioners. This religion creates its own propaganda as a side effect of its practice. Its worshipers can often hide in plain sight and subvert civilization for years without direct personal repercussions; in fact they are often rewarded for their behavior.

The religion is Objectivism, and its deity is "the invisible hand". When your morality is judged by your profit than you've undone a core pillar of civilization. The damage of all other practiced religions in the modern era pale in comparison.

The first five minutes of this video were the only part of this conversation that were relevant to the real challenges of our times.

enoch said:

this was a great discussion.
i was never a huge fan of sam harris as being a solid representative of an atheist viewpoint until a fellow sifter pointed some great essays by harris (waves to qwiz).my narrow opinion was mainly due to only watching short clips of harris,which is pretty unfair to harris and not indicative of his approach.

so i have gained a modicum of respect for harris in his ability to be reasoned in certain instances,though i may still disagree with many of his conclusions,for a multitude of reasons.

that being said i had two problems with this interview:
1.the first 5 minutes was harris whining and crying.that was total turn off. approx the 2hr mark he makes the argument that islam needs to experience a reformation,great argument and one i agree with,but in the VERY next sentence out of his mouth he criticizes reza aslan as not suggesting that islam is desperately in need of a reformation.

this is an out and out,bold face lie;,_Evolution,_and_Future_of_Islam

the entire book is an argument for reformation of islam!!

props to cenk for calling harris out on his draconian imaginary policies (if he were in charge).the arrogance of harris needs to be challenged at ever step and cenk did a great job.harris spent the majority of this interview back-pedaling.

there are some amazing atheist thinkers out there and throughout history,harris,at best,is mediocre.

i have read hitchens and harris is no hitchens.

Daily show: Republicans trying to win the lady vote

Truckchase says...

The tone of the initial assertions that "women will decide this vote" casts women as a powerful minority.

Good job news dickheads, keep it up!(?)

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

Truckchase says...

I wish that were the case, but Maher is more full of crap than most. From what I can see he's a sharp but overly emotional guy who gets a hint of the truth and then builds on that with conjecture. On top of that he feels the need to be loyal to a "team" (Democrats via campaign contributions) which in my mind further discredits most of what he says.

Overall though, I agree with your statement, just that Maher doesn't deserve the attention.

00Scud00 said:

I think it's because comedians are starting to get more attention than the pundits and they don't like anybody horning in on their action. For that matter I sometimes find comedians and what they say to be more truthful and even honest. Comedy isn't always just telling jokes, it can also be a way of broaching subjects that otherwise might be considered too painful or even outright taboo for many people, if you can keep them laughing they are less likely to punch you in the face.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Drones

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Drones

Truckchase says...

Lightning strikes have killed 24 people this year which makes them substantially more dangerous than Terrorism. We need to fight lightning up in the clouds before it strikes us down here.

And unlike terrorism, we might not even make more lightning by fighting the lightning.


lantern53 said:

I agree that fighting in the Middle East is an apparent exercise in futility, but if we don't fight it there, it will eventually reach our shores, as it did on 9/11.

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