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Faces of Meth - Reality Check

The Great Pumpkin--Robot Chicken Version

Rabbit - Award winning animated short (8:20)

Barney Frank Blasts Hypocrisy of Closet Gay Republicans

Powerful Stem Cell Research Ad

Fox News Satanic Media Mafia

Trick or Treat Voyeur

Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi (Animated Video 2:22)

Vietnam vet recalls American torture in 1973 interview

TimothyChenAllen says...

The oath of office I took when I was sworn in as a 2nd Lt in the Marines said I would support and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I went into the Marines with the idea that I was defending American ideals. One of those ideals was that we would treat enemy combatants with respect-- not because doing so would keep them from torturing our troops, but rather simply because it was the right thing to do.

Asking our troops to fight and die to defend American ideals is difficult but understandable. Asking them to fight and die for any other reason is treason.

Kid's First Crush

Hardware Wars (Original 1977 Star Wars Parody) Special Edition Part One

Explaining the joy of Pinot Noir, from "Sideways"

George Walker Bush talking about his i-pod songs

Australian Newscaster asks Americans Which Country to Invade Next (language NSFW)

TimothyChenAllen says...

Ahgg, that was painful to watch: 1) I pride myself on knowing my geography well, pretty much because I got dressed down by a bunch of Canadians once for not knowing anything about Canadian geography, 2) Everyone knows our next move should be to try to set up a moon station (didn't you all know that they found oil there?)

Requiem for a Toy (NSFW language)

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