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Eric Schwartz - "Clinton Got a Bl**job" (sing along!)

CG Liquid like you've never seen before. Amazing.

Cry (If you don't mind) - Jarabe de Palo & Chrissie Hynde

TimothyChenAllen says...

In this video, Chrissie Hynde, formerly of The Pretenders, collaborates with one of the most popular artists in Spain, Jarabe de Palo, fronted by Catalan artist Pau Donés.

This appears in Jarabe de Palo's album 1 Metro Cuadrado (One Square Meter).

Marine speaks out about Iraq

TimothyChenAllen says...

Enzoblue, I have to disagree. I am a former Marine-- I was in during Gulf War I, stationed in Quantico, where this Sergeant is now. The five part order includes an objective. As a Lieutenant, I was required to give an objective, and if the order was well-formed, that objective was clear. Going into a mission without a clear objective is tantamount to suicide. That was the first thing I learned when I learned to give orders at TBS. Having servicemen follow unclear objectives isn't discipline and it isn't patriotism: it is poor leadership.

Granted, I participated in my share of mickey mouse maneuvers where the objective was not clear, but normally that was because the C.O. had not done his homework (sometimes that C.O. was me!), or there was a lack of information. That is understandable. But an order cannot lack a clear objective because of political expedience. This is what these servicemen are objecting to.

Michael J Fox Responds To Rush Limbaughs Lies

Michael J Fox Responds To Rush Limbaughs Lies

Sure to upset some: characters in "Bully" videogame make out

Why we fight excerpt - Blowback Chalmers Johnson

Investment Services Infomercial Parody (Saturday Night Live)

Stay the Course

Stay the Course

TimothyChenAllen says...

Peretz, the ad isn't about that. It's about how Bush will flip flop and waffle and change his song for political gain. When it was time for him to go to war, he continuously missed muster-- essentially making him a draft dodger. And he has the nerve to criticize veterans who went to that same war.

Listening to Bush question the bravery and resolve of actual warriors who now question his strategy would be comical if his misguided policies weren't killing our troops. I was in the Marines during Gulf War I, and I can only say I'm glad I was working for Bush Sr. and not Bush Jr.

Pi: Hebrew Torah/Fibonacci Sequence (Darren Aronofsky film)

Bush rarely uses "the google" or "the email"

We've never been Stay The Course ... huh?

Martin Scorsese's Sesame Street

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