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Why livestreaming Minecraft is a bad idea.

TickTock says...

I played it a bit and didn't get it. Then a buddy of mine said "Did you survive your first night?" so I played it again... I think you know the rest.

I must say I reacted in about the same way when I saw my first Zombie.

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

TickTock says...

I agree - Dune is ace! One of the Sci-Fi classics from my childhood.

When we were younger my brother and I would always hold the other one down and say the "A little spittle..." line as we goobed in the others face. Thank you David Lynch!

I wonder what it's made to this point. Sure it cost 45mil but only made like 20mil in the box office, but since then? VHS, rentals, DVD, Blu-ray, digital, TV? That shit has to add up after a few decades.

QI - What To Do If You See a Spartan With a New Haircut

TickTock says...

I took a shot and Googled: Bovered.

Chavs way of pronouncing and writing the phrase "Am I bothered?"

Chav is a derogatory term used to describe certain young people in the United Kingdom.

>> ^Xax:

What did Alan suggest the word was and/or what does it mean?

QI - Hilarious Moment: People from Scotland

TickTock says...

I got your point... and in the past you would have been correct. This video, and following replies have honestly set me straight. No getting down on anyone because of some artifical line in the sand for me after this. I'M A NEW MAN!

"Actually I'm from Canadian, but America is pretty close and let's face it, we're all pretty similar once you cut through all that bullshit!"

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^TickTock:
I love how the English guys are getting down on the Scot. It's an interesting reflection of the state of the world. Geographically, they are so close, but they seem to think they are so different. Drop all of them in downtown Shanghai or Bagdad and no one there would be able to tell them apart.
Give it up, you're all from the UK. In the other 99% of the world no one gives a shit. Move on.

Lol. What i love even more is that you're apparently not from the UK yet making an uneducated statement about the relationship between english/scottish based on jokes about the stereotypical scottish person/stereotypical english person.
Say what you like about our love/hate relationship, but we all died alongside each other protecting the Great!!! British Isles whilst the rest of the (new) world was busy turning a quick profit off the situation and waiting for the winner to be decided. They're all my brothers and sisters and whilst i may make a joke about them, and they may make a joke about me, there's no one finer, braver or tougher i'd rather trust my joint national safety to.
If i said exactly what you said about about americans/canadaians (you're american, right?), you'd bawl your eyes out!

Dear sir:
Go fuck yourself.
A Canadian from the "new world" whose ancestors faught and died during BOTH world wars to protect your right to make generalizations about cultures outside of the British Isles.
So, just for fun, while I may not agree with TickTocks statement, Here's a neat picture showing the idiocy of comparing England/Scotland, to Canada/United States. (yes, that's Australia, UK, and U.S., but it gets the point across)
Even more perspective on that, total of area of the UK (Scotland and obviously included) = 244,820 km km/sq.
Ontario, one of canadas smaller provinces, has an area of 917,741 km/sq.
One Canadian province is larger than both your countries combined. So, no, if you said the same thing about Americans/Canadians, I'd probably laugh at you for making such a stupid comparison.

--> "If i said exactly what you said about about americans/canadaians (you're american, right?), you'd bawl your eyes out!"
--> "If i said exactly what"
--> "If i said"
--> "If"
I think that's my point proven right there! Sorry you had to get in the firing line of my insulting generalisation, but that was the point.

uncle buck- 20 questions in 26 seconds

TickTock says...

I swear the "Buck Melanoma, Moely Russels' Wart..." line was the first time in my life I started laughing and couldn't stop.

1/3 of Pakistan underwater, no one knows, no one cares

TickTock says...

Canadian Government matches so I made a $500 donation a month or so ago via Oxfam... take that government stooges!

The weirdest part is I'm an atheist so I'm not sure where I get my morals from...

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