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Knife Types & Techniques with Alton Brown

Shepppard says...

To put it into perspective.. I own ONE Miyabi knife (traditional japanese knife) Which is a 9 inch chefs knife.. That's about the same, if not lesser quality than the one he shows off in the video, and that knife alone is worth $240

newtboy said:

That's one hell of a knife collection.

12K PC Gaming

Bully Instant Karma

Shepppard says...

Am I? Seems to me like I'm actually putting the channels in properly. I don't see how anything about this could be considered FTW. It's Not a fight, for all we know the kid who threw the punch was the instigator and not a defender, and for that matter, the reaction was harsher than it needed to be, as slamming your head off anything as you fall is INSANELY bad for you.

So, until you stop improperly putting this video into certain categories, I'll continue to correct the problem.

*Nochannel *Actionpack

Stu said:

Sheppard must have been bullied as a kid. He sure is acting like a pussy either way.

Bully Instant Karma

Tom Hanks Does Every One of His Movies in 7 Minutes

Liana Kerzner - An Honest Look At Women in Games

Shepppard says...

So, basically, she's not actually talking about how video games need to be more feminist oriented, but rather is more ranting about a website / domain called "Feminist Frequency" that is effectively a group of the college grade "MEN ARE EVIL PIGS" feminists, but hey grew up playing video games.

Actually not a bad read, although it drags in a few places.

'Do you hear that bass Mom?'

Shepppard says...

Woah woah, easy there killer. That escalated insanely quickly. It's videosift, not everyone has to like everything. Who knows, maybe he was being a dick and didn't know that it was a line from the song, maybe he took issue with your punctuation. we'll likely never know.

But if you're going to require someone to express why they downvoted your comment without it being something like going through and downvoting ALL your comments, you need to either abolish the function or have a little text box pop up explaining why you're downvoting.

Either way, I think everyone needs to calm down a bit here.

lucky760 said:

There is no valid platform for engagement here.

My comment was the next line from the song in the video. Either you don't know the song and thought I was dissing the video or you do know the song and didn't appreciate or understand how punnily my knowledge and usage of the lyric fit the context.

I'm simply asking which it is. Perhaps you can take a moment to climb down from your high horse and answer my very straightforward question.

I've never had a problem with you before, but I'm starting to understand why no one likes you. Let me know if you'd like to start another self-imposed ban and I'll quickly oblige.

Bully Instant Karma

Bully Instant Karma

Bully Instant Karma

Bully Instant Karma

Shepppard says...

Yup, Punched in the face, smacks his head off the table on the way down, followed by another punch. Whatever he said, I'm sure that was a legitimately reasonable response to it.

Boeing 747 overtaking a Boeing 737 over Bagdad

Sex Ed: Menstruation Educational Movie from the 1970's

15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames

Shepppard says...

I dunno man, watch her right hand as she strums, it may be relatively similar.

Payback said:

... I'm not going to say what I was doing at 15.

Let's just say it wasn't anything remotely similar to this.

Awkward public aquarium "touch tank"

Shepppard says...

Normally I don't feel terrible for most animals in this type of situation.. They usually have a good amount of space, free food, and don't have to worry about predators.

This, however, looks like they're keeping that octopus in an incredibly small space

It'd be like keeping a porcupine at the zoo in a shoebox.

lucky760 said:

I don't like this at all and I feel bad for the octopus.

They are very intelligent creatures, and I hate seeing any kind of intelligent creature being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment and deprived of freedom, especially as their normal way of life foreseeably for the rest of their life.

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