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BASEketball - The Dude Scene

A new way to make you puke up your corn dog

Flying Kitty Surprise

Flying Kitty Surprise

Shepppard says...

Some notes:

The cat is Okay, and is apparently a mascot for the airfield.

It also wasn't in as much danger as you'd think, it wasn't "On" the wing, it was "In" the wing. The wings are hollow, so it wasn't at risk of being blown off, the only danger would be if it tried to jump down.

Epic Rap Battle ~ Terminator vs. Robocop

Mass Effect -Andromeda Trailer

Final Fantasy 7 REMAKE - Trailer E3

Shepppard says...

...So, Square enix has actually been on record for the past.. at least like, 10 years, ever since the tech demo for PS3 came out saying "We don't want to just remake old games for the sake of it. We feel that we need to surpass the stories we've told previously before we decide to possibly re-visit them in the future."

And with FFXV looking like it's probably going to shatter the entirety of the franchise in terms of awesomeness, it seems like they're finally ready to actually remake a lot of peoples favourite.

Mordhaus said:

We can't think up any new ideas, team, what do we do?

How about we do a full graphical remake of FF7

That would be a license to print money from gullible gamers...I LIKE IT!

The Manly Way to Get a Pigeon Out of Your Chimney

ERB ~ Houdini vs. Copperfield

Coldplay's Game of Thrones: The Musical (Full version)

Close Air Support (best A-10C Warthog video ever)

Shepppard says...

From what i've heard (specifically from those videos) it basically takes losing both wings and both engines to down a Warthog. Thing is almost scary good from it's design.

Mordhaus said:

Basically the A10 is similar to the Harrier, it works well, it's not flashy, and it takes a beating. Complete opposite of most Air Force planes. If you watch any video that has an A10 pilot in it, talking about the plane, they can't sing it's praises enough. Sadly they have no say in whether it gets replaced.

Jumping from cornice to cornice, 40 stories up

Shepppard says...

Nope, but I do feel bad for the people on the city streets who'll live the rest of their lives knowing what a human pancake looks like because of these idiots.

Eventually, after one or two of those cases, i'm sure we'll learn how to properly secure the tops of these kinds of buildings. Until we scar some pedestrians for life, however, these idiots will continue to be idiots.

lucky760 said:



Son of a bitch... that gave me butterflies in my scrotum.

Of course some of these morons are going to kill themselves. And just like idiots who pretend to get run over by a car then really get run over by a car, I just don't feel bad for them.

Lava Tube Drains Lost Lake

How not to get a giant self propelled howitzer onto a truck

Can two cats share one box?

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