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Photographer captures huge roadside bomb explosion in Kirkuk

Shep Smith on First Responders "How do they sleep at night?"

Ralgha says...

C'mon Shep, spare us the acting. It's just accepted as common knowledge now that there's no length to which Republican politicians will not go to tarnish themselves and their party and generally do evil. Nothing to get excited about here. Move along.

If it's any solace, we know who'll be first against the wall. And may their friends across the aisle be second.

Vladimir Putin singes "Blueberry Hill"

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

WikiLeaks founder arrested in London

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

Guy goes to hospital for 10 minutes, gets $7000 bill.

Ralgha says...

>> ^Herostratus:

I have pretty great insurance and was floored by the statement of benefits ("This is not a bill") I received after acute appendicitis. Everything had been covered 100% (including a pic line and once-a-week homecare nurse for a post-op infection), but they sent me the paperwork. It was insane; a doctor who stopped in my hospital room once for less than 5 minutes and merely asked me "How are you feeling" charged the insurance a ~$700 consulting fee. Next to that was the amount paid by the insurance: $0.
It was hilarious to see the charges and total submitted by the hospital in one column (tens of thousands) and the "fuck you, we're paying you this and you'll like it" from the insurance company in the second column (somewhere around 10-20% of that requested).
I'm not sure who was being the bigger dick in this situation, but I didn't pay for anything (except for my monthly $200 pre-tax deduction from my paycheck, which is still pretty crazy, but I ended up utilizing what most people end up just giving away to their insurance company).

I got a similar statement of benefits recently. Thank you for the reference point.

The Pope In Edinburgh

Corgi Can't Reach Ball With His Stumpy Legs

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

Ralgha says...

These videos get posted here over and over: stupid person antagonizes police, gets beat up and/or arrested - exactly what they were after. What's the point in getting all excited over this? Give me a break. Observed behavior = expected behavior -> closed BY DESIGN.

Fareed Zakaria Blasts Media For Oil Spill Coverage

Ralgha says...

Thanks to VideoSift, I've come to understand there's only one part of the media that can be trusted. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. All other media is nothing but lies, exaggeration, hubris, and pointless attacks. It's a good thing Jon Stewart and his correspondents are there to give us our only fair and unbiased look at what's really going on in the world. What would we do without him?

Oblivion: Patrick Stewart's Emperor Uriel Septim goes mad

TDS: South Park Death Threats

What smoking has become - the IT Crowd

Ralgha says...

>> ^cybrbeast:
Or just let people be responsible for themselves and make their own decisions.
Yeah. Because that's got such a proven successful track record. Let's face it. No matter which way we slice it, everyone loses. Yay for alcohol, smoking, and drugs: you've done a lot for the world, haven't you. Thanks a lot.

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