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She's high as a kite after getting her wisdom teeth yanked.

Ralgha says...

4 non-impacted wisdom teeth removed at age 31. I remember up to when they put me under, but not the first few minutes after waking up. Remember being groggy for a bit but lucid. Not much pain throughout the whole experience. Only used a small fraction of the meds they recommended. The only real unpleasantness was swallowing blood and getting food stuck in the holes (until I realized how to high-pressure swish water through there). It takes awhile for the holes to fill in but you get used to it and it's no big deal.

This teacher has a flawless cheating strategy...

Ralgha says...

What's the point, you may ask. I suggest you think deeply upon the following:

"Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson."
- Princess Irulan

Siri Argument

The dancing squid dish from Japan

Ralgha says...

So, what do you all think about the way lobster is typically cooked then? Throw em in a pot and boil em alive. Listen to their screams as they die a horrible death. Nope, that's not barbaric at all, right? Totally civilized...

Dial-Up Modem Noises Slowed Down

Ralgha says...

Reminiscent of Session #23 from Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Cowboy Bebop movie).

This should be looped in all server rooms containing communications equipment.

The new see-through airplane of the future

FPS Russia - 40mm Machine Gun

Ralgha says...

That last (slowest) firing at 3:00 sounds amazing through headphones. Great stereo recording there with the gun firing on the left, explosion in the middle, and reverberation alternating back and forth a bit before mostly settling to the center by the end.

Going to Walawalawalawalala world, going to Walmart!

Final Fantasy VII Epic Cockatiel Vs Chocobo battle!!!

Ralgha says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

13 was way too umm..something..japanese? I don't know. I couldn't finish it either.

I couldn't finish 13 either. It's not because it was too Japanese. It just plain sucked. It went straight to the bargain bins in Japan and got trashed left right and sideways by the Japanese gaming blogs.

Top 50 Worst Video Game Voices - With Face Acting

Ralgha says...

Brilliant. Upvote for Shenmue and Grandia. He could have a field day with all of the dialogue from those games. Especially Shenmue, which featured some of the weirdest sounding English ever.

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

Ralgha says...

Regarding whether or not the mission was to kill him... based on the information we've been fed, isn't the answer clearly yes? To accept that they would've taken him alive if possible, wouldn't we also have to also accept that this elite SEAL team was incapable of a non-lethal takedown? Tranquilizer dart, gas, taser, shoot him in the kneecaps, Vulcan neck pinch, whatever. It's not like he took cyanide at the first sign of trouble. They shot him in the head.

Valve's Snack Bar

Brilliant cover of Tristram from Diablo

Daniel Craig in drag for International Women's Day

Ralgha says...

I've been reading Ian Fleming's novels lately and I have to question the use of James Bond in support of this cause. Women were highly objectified in the world of James Bond. (Or maybe that's the point and I missed it?)

Thankfully, Craig's facial expression is quite appropriate. I think he's about ready to introduce that obnoxious narrator to the Beretta under his armpit.

Space Shuttle Discovery's Final Launch As Seen from Airplane

Ralgha says...

This is not a time to be sad. The best is yet to come. There's a whole universe out there waiting for us. It's time to reach for the stars on a larger scale than ever before.

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