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New Rule: Trump's Basket of Inexplicables

How to Delete a Wheel

The Perfectionist Trap

The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word (1963)

Girlfriend takes dumb to a whole new level

God's Plan - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts

Megyn Kelly Confronts Texas Lt Governor Over Trans Bathrooms

Phreezdryd says...

Aside from all the ridiculous and seemingly evidence free rhetoric of bogeymen in dresses attacking girls in bathrooms, I'm curious to know how they handle the locker room/shower situation.

Am I mistaken to assume they're saying a trans girl with a boys body would be accepted by girls in the locker room, and its just old prejudices holding that up?

1 Dish Has Kept This Japanese Restaurant Around for 250 Yrs.

'Copter Cat' - Dead cat flies thru the sky

Presenting Oscar: The modular body

Kevin Spacey is The Rainforest

Phreezdryd says...

Pollute the water and then sell the clean stuff in bottles. Why not the air we breath as well? In Spaceballs (1987) they stole other planets air, and enjoyed a nice can of Perri-air. A company called Vitality Air sells cans of Canadian air to China. Next we'll be taking the Coke vs. Pepsi air challenge. Which brand has that real healthy air flavor? Now comes in bacon, cotton candy and Grandma's house scents.

Cartoon Donald Trump Has The Biggest Numbers

Dumb Bike Thief

Phreezdryd says...

Don't drink and steal...and then wander around the area you stole the bike from, only to be spotted by local news camera guy who gets you to blurt out your guilty confession.

A Revolver That Fires More Than 25 Cartridge Types

Phreezdryd says...

Video says "carry every day" right at the end. Really?
Wouldn't gun manufacturers sell fewer guns if all the ammo fit in one gun? As mentioned above, certainly handy for the wasteland scavenger to have one gun for the random ammo scattered about.

The Trouble with Transporters

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