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Rick Sanchez - Virginia Foxx - Cost of Healthcare vs. Terror

Nithern says...

I think she's afriad her state will opt out of health care. And all that money, which would have gone to her state. Which would have provided jobs, and increase not just the standard of living for those in her state without proper health coverage, but, improve the economy. Instead, that money will go to those states, not stupid enough (read: blue states) to opt out. So, I guess, in her twisted logicl, if her state can't have it, NO ONE can have it.

Or, she could just be a mindless conservative.

Bill Moyers: Restoring Accountability for Washington's Wars

Nithern says...

Only 2% of the population of the USA, has served in Afghanistan. If Mr. Moyers is correct, the current price of Afghanistan is $65 billion. And each additional, 1000 troops, costs us $1 billion more. The sad thing is, Iraq costed $3 trillion over six years (that's $500 billion/year), and well known it had NOTHING to do with 9/11, Al-Quadia, or Ossama.

So, the concept of a 'draft' is easy for someone like Mr. Moyers. He won't be drafted, and so has no fear of it. I myself, would not be drafted. But I'm not a supporter of it. While Mr. Moyer and myself could be liberal thinkers, we do differ on one subject. A draft would simply allow the military more lambs to the slaughter (i.e. Vietnam), rather then tone down or eliminate our presence in that country. Ultimately, we as Americans should seriously ask what we have to gain, by staying in Afhganistan.


1) I seem to recall those responsible for 9/11, were from Afghanistan, and NOT, Iraq. Yet, we plunge a HUGE investment in to Iraq and not more then a few dimes towards the fight in Afghanistan. Bush took his eye off the ball to pursue a vendette with Saddam. So, as such, we should have focus our attention on Afghanistan, and did the job right. But, we can't ask republicans to do their job correctly. If they did, Mr. McCain would be President McCain. Oh, and Palin would be CP (shudder). Its an unusual world we live in.

2) The contract, Mr. Moyer refers to, is how we Americans treat our own citizenry. The current social injustice, is how health care companies, worry more about their bonuses and paychecks, then the citizens of the country. That one would think, they keep costs low, to increase the profit margin. Yet, when they can't, they raise prices and premiunms. However, as we've seen, the contuining trend of the health care companies, just raising premiums by 18% (number reported by, to help pay for their out of control paychecks and bonuses. Oppoents of Mr. Obama (like you), condend that the Health Care bill, will costs to much, @ $1 trillion, and hope us liberals, are just as dumb as you are. Yes, as I've stated above, we liberals know ALL about the cost of Iraq, and how 'useful' it was on the 'War on Terror'. So, Quantum, buddy, pal, could you point out where all those nuclear weapons of mass destruction, we were suppose to have found in Iraq?

3) Fox News isn't bias. To be bias in journalism, one has to be creditible first. Fox New, blew all its credibility during the Bush/Cheney Administration. All us liberals get to sit back and listen to conservatives look like idiots for fun

4)I already pointed out my thoughts on the Draft, above.

5) Yeah, $3 Trillion for a war that had no WMD, did not restore the country to viability (I'm sure Iraq will have a civil war sooner or later), and it WAS, for the oil. Yes, if Mr. Bush had been accountable with tax payer money, we wouldn't have the HUGE deficit we have now. He thought, by giving three seperate 'tax breaks', that would applease people. He just didn't tell anyone that he increased our debt to a size, LARGER, then any President before him. In fact, the last four presidents to have entered and left, the White House, except one, increased the US deficit by an alarming rate. That one guy, was Mr. Clinton....a Democrat. Now, we have another Democrat, that will have to figure a way to reduce the deficit, in time, for a republican to spend like crazy.

Plane-to-plane skydive

Gay Marriage Proposal interrupts Same-Sex Marriage Hearings

Nithern says...


Even if the city Amendment pass, to allow gays to marry, they still wouldn't be allowed to do so in a church. Unless that church's religion, accepts those who are gay. Freedom of religion, as part of the 1st Amendment, could be use to bar gays from marrying if thats within the code of the religion. If they dont like gay and lesbian people, that's their business. So many other places to get married. The lady speaking, seems trying to induce fear in those that don't know better.

Chris Wallace's Hard-Hitting Questions for Rush Limbaugh

Nithern says...

Yes, Quantumushroom. His answers will be taken out of context and distorted. Like....what Mr. Beck, Mr. Hannity, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Limbaugh, all the 'reporters' and 'journalists' at Fox 'News' does for anything from Democrats (like, Mr. Obama?). Yes, in this interview, he is one person, with one opinion. He's not elected to office, nor does have to be at all accountable to ANYONE. Huge amount of power, plus zero accountability, spells 'abuse of power'.

Actually, Mr. Obama gets many hard questions asked all the time. During any week, he has to figure out, how to solve many of the problems left over from the Republican's failed attempt at governing. Maybe if Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney weren't dithering around in Iraq and Afghanistan, we chould have had those issues cleared up before last November. Or stopped dithering around, and solved the economic problems we had and contiune to see. Maybe worked alittle on OUR COUNTRY, and not 'play' rulers of another land (like Iraq). You want to level serious questions towards Mr. Obama? Fine. Maybe sure you level the same amount of questions (and the intensity) towards the GOP. You can't do it, and everyone knows it.

So, what are the serious questions you have, that haven't been answered? You might try listening to the guy, instead of spewing irrelavent rumbish out of your mouth when he talks. I know alot about Mr. Obama. Unlike you, I do R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H. I look up on the web, in to the library, ask people around me, and even ask my cat (though, he seems to just lick his fur, want food, and a place to sleep...).

Here's a few places to start:

A) What 99% of people us, to start looking up information:

B) What the remaining 1% use to start looking up information:

Its rather amusing to read conservapedia from time to time. Even with Mr. Obama's information. Since, much of it is filled with half truths and out right lies of the facts.

Rachel Maddow Goes After Liz Cheney

Nithern says...

Yes, it seems Liz is following in her father's foot prints. Ignore reality in favor of a fantasy world. Its to bad that she forgets that journalists tend to look at historical records for accuracy of things said and done. Which, is sort of what one does, with a journal in a professional sense.

Lets see, the GOP has airhead blondes down to a science now. We have Liz Cheney, Ann Coulter, and that scary looking lady on Fox News in the morning. They all ignore reality, and spew up fiction as if its true. But, that's the caliber of people, the republicans want leading them. They complain that our goverment does nothing, but play politics in Washington; and yet, the same people they elected, are doing the majority of playing. They had hearing about pork spending, but their own elected officals are bring pork home to their states.

Still, I was alittle fearful that after we elected a real president (no amateur hour with GWB), the news would get sort of boring. Its nice that Fox News, and the GOP keeps up with entertaining crap.

Keith Olbermann: Pat Robertson & "Demon" Halloween Candy

Nithern says...

Vampire Gummi Bears!?!?!?!?!?!!? (@1:27)

Ok, those religious conservatives need to stop taking their 'wacko' and 'psychotic' drugs. Maybe go 'cold turkey'. Stay off the 'religious rumbish', and maybe eat normal food for a while. Heck, maybe get out in to the sunshine and go for a jog.

Vampire Gummi Bears!?!?!?!?

Seriously, if that was true, I'll just stake them with toothpicks. Problem solved.

A Bad Day for Rachel Maddow

Nithern says...

Rush is incapable of being wrong. Even if court ordered, he would find some way, not to correct himself. Someone, who can go on live television, and admit their mistake, and correct things, is a classy person.

Although, it doesn't help Rush's case that on more then one occasion (and not just the ones Rachel), he has behaved with a racists slant on things. Does the topic of 'immigration' ring any bells? How often does he complain about French citizens, illiegally sliding in through Mexico, verse, Mexicans? I rest my case.

MIT's AIDA Robot Is Going To Be The Ultimate Backseat Driver

Nithern says...

So basically, it records where I go, and what I do? And who can access this information? Where does it update from? Does it send a recording of where I go (for advertising) or how fast I got there (law enforcement)? Sounds like 'big brother' sort of device.

*Conspiracy ?

While, most driving aids do alot of this stuff already, what does this device really do? If you dont know how to tell when your car's fuel supply is low; you have confirmed that your to stupid to use a car in the first place. If you dont know of major events (like a fair) going on in your city, you dont read the newspaper enough. That simply shows your uneducated, and should not have a car to drive in the first place. And if you dont know how to get to your place of work, after the 58th day....your an idiot.

I could see, if this device was for rental cars, or those used for those not familar with the location's area.

Such a device would die within a week in Boston, MA. Massholes would tear that junk out of the cah (yes, cah).

Impossible Basketball Shot With Baseball Bat

Nithern says...

Fake. A golf ball might be able to slice with enough wind. To do the same, with a basketball would require a category 5 hurricane. But, they did it once. They can do it again, right?

Quentin Tarantino on The Moral Choices in Pulp Fiction

Nithern says...

I always thought the movie was about redemption. At least for Samael L. Jackson's character.

I just laughed through that whole movie. The part in which the usher almost kicked me out, was the car scene with bruce willis stopped at a light intersection.

Fail Tackle!

Barney Frank Answers 10 Questions From

Nithern says...

Barney Frank, and Al Franklin, seem to be two gentleman that cut the B.S. and go straight to the point of the issues.

Defination of the word 'Frank'

1. direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere
2. without inhibition or subterfuge; direct; undisguised.
3. Archaic. liberal or generous.

Unrestrained, free, bold, uninhibited. Frank, candid, open, outspoken imply a freedom and boldness in speaking. Frank is applied to one unreserved in expressing the truth and to one's real opinions and sentiments.




Should we be at all surprised by the way these two behave and talk, on subjects of American politics? Should *THIS* be the sort of stuff, we want to see politicans do and behave, instead of the mockery of human dignity we see from Rommey, Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity?

Kid Plays Cliffs Of Dover On Piano

Limbaugh: "So We Stand By The Fabricated Quote..."

Nithern says...

Good old Rush. Nice to see the kingpin of conservatives standing up for ANYTHING that sounds like a smear to Mr. Obama, real or otherwise. But then, the guy has zero crebility to most people, and the ones that still do, also believe there are WMDs, STILL, in Iraq. They're just buries, or hiding in invisible boxes....

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