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Car Jumps 20 Feet Up During Police Chase

Nithern says...

He'll hit the jump, and cops will just drive on by. His superior logic will take the cops by surprise; and before they realize what happen, he'll be long gone down the raod. Yeah, yeah, that's it, thats the ticket!

President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech

Nithern says...

One can always pick out the people who voted for McCain in the last election. They will say nothing nice, or respectable, but ALWAYS, trash Obama. I guess the same could be said of Bush. But, Bush brought his stupidity upon America, and so, deserved to be mocked.

Lazeroids (a MMO version of Asteroids built on HTML)

Nithern says...

So like, when's the game going to be live? I need a new fix to get me off my M.U.L.E addiction. Which got me off my Dragon Age addiction. And THAT, got me off my World of Warcraft addition.

The Unemployment Game Show: Are You *Really* Unemployed?

Nithern says...

The state of the economy is not so much Mr. Obama's fault, as it is, the GOP. During the years between 2000-2008, the GOP removed a number of watch dog groups, regulators, rules, and concepts, to help make companies 'more profitable'. This as you may know, resulted in preditatory lending and grossy irresponsible business practice of companies. The downward spiral of industries, would have been hampered if not stopped, if we had regulations, rules, regulators, and watch dog groups in place. That was the lesson learned from Black Tuesday (not to be confused with Black Friday).

But, the level of irresponsiblity gets better...

Mr. Bush gave the American people (read: the upper 8%, although 'everyone' techincally got) tax cuts. I recall three, but there could have been additional ones. Paying for two wars, and everything else, did not help matters. In fact, the Iraq War costed Americans $550+ billion a year on average (alittle over $3 trillion after 6 years). Now, if Revenue = 2 and expenses = 9, 2-9= -7. So where did we make this negative funding up? That's right: DEFICIT SPENDING!

A concept used by the Reagan Administration (which ended his administration in the largest deficit at the time). Then Bush, Sr used it again (which ended his administration in the largest deficit at the time....BIGGER...then Reagan's). And then Bush, Jr, did the same again (resulting in the largest deficit to date). Now, that Tax & Spend liberal scum, Mr. Clinton, ended his administration with a surplus (meaning, we weren't going further in to debt, AND, paying off the current debt.

So really, if your going to blame some politican for the problems of the economy, why not put it squarely on the GOP's shoulders. Mr. Reagan, Mr. Bush, Sr, and Mr. Bush, Jr, where all 'Fiscal Conservatives'. So, let it be known, not to hire anyone who claims they are a fiscal conservative.

The unemployment rate is, as the video states, lower then what it actually is. The reason for this, is, there's no way to acturally measure the correct unemployment number beyond those who recieve state/federal unemployment checks. Those who are not working due to health problems, are unemployed. Those who have a job at 1/8th their previous salary, are NOT, considered unemployed.

And you've been on 12 interviews since graduating, and your complaining?!?!?!?!?!

(Plays world's smallest violin for ForgedReality)

Actually, Mr. Obama is thinking on the big picture. I could explain it, but, as you said, your too young to understand the wisdom. Maybe in a decade, you'll learn.

Worst Person in the World: O'Reilly Double Header 11/17/09

Nithern says...

Yes, saying your an American, and NOT, a supporter of the US Constitution, is like saying your human, but against the consumption of oxygen for humannity. And now, Mr. O'Reilly has destroyed any credibility he has left, by saying he does not support the US Constitution. I'm sure conservative media is already trying to spin this, as to not mean, what it means.

"Good and Evil. Never one without the other. And usually where you least expect it." -Merlin, Excalibur-

Cat Climbs On Cop's Head

I will promise you this..

Nithern says...

Eisenhower, when he was leaving the Presidental office, back in '69 mention this, in his farewell address: (and I think its just as important now, as it was then)

"We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method..." He was refering to the growth of communistic threads, as the Cold War was raging at the time.

In addition, he warned against unjustified goverment spending on proposals with the military in mind:

"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex... Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Mr. Obama and his team, are going up against one of the most entrenched lobbying groups in America. It holds a virtual strangle hold on America, because, as they argue, without them, the USA, wouldn't exist. As such, we must put hundreds of billions towards the defense and military. The USA, spends $560 billion on its defense & military, far larger then the next largest military spending country in the world, which is Russia & Europe with $320 billion. (source:

Which is kind of amusing, if you think about it. Republicans are/were all angry at the amount of money being spent for Health Care (costing just under $1 trillion over 10 years), but neglect to mention, the first six years of the Iraq war costing the USA Taxpayer $3 trillion dollars.

If Americans want out of the Iraq war, they merely have to contact their elected represenatives, and senators, and say so. Its much easier to complain and do nothing, then to do something about the very reason for the complaining. Until that happens, the USA, will stay in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would imagine, it makes the Iranian military uneased when its leaders talk about blowing up countries and making nuclear technology that is suspected to be for a WMD. Why? The USA has 200,000+ troops on Iran's west and east sides, with deep logistical trains of support, that could unleash HEll, in the event of a military conflict.

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

Police tasering almost leads to riot

Nithern says...

I'd have to side with the officers on this one. Seems they were arresting someone clearly trying to resist arrest. And a crowd was gathering, that seemed pretty hostile. At one point in the video, it seems someone was helping the suspect resist the tazer wires by pulling them off him. The urgency in the one officer asking for back up makes me wonder "Where all the officers hanging out at the donut shop, drinking coffee, when this was going on"?

Godless Billboard Moved After Threats

Nithern says...

Its not just Christians. Muslims could take offense to it. So can those of the Jewish faith.

Still, the billboard in a way, is a slap in the face to those of the Christian faith. Yes, Christians have dome things like this in the past. But if you do the samething as them, your no better then they are. You loose the philosophical 'high road'. But then, if they were threaten, it could mean anything from a legal issue in the courts (and the person bringing the issue has deep pockets of cash), on up to and including, physical violence.

If, as an atheist, you go, and attack a Christian service, by being obnoiously rude and LOUD. Yes, they WILL get angry and do anything from legal issues to physical violence. One would think, that if Atheist's philosophy was so good, they would have learn from other religions around them? Apparently, not.

NEW- CLASH of the TITANS preview (awesome)

Rachel Maddow: Buyer's Remorse

Nithern says...

Republicans? Lying?

Come on, to be a republican in congress, in the USA, one must have the following criteria:

A) Be white (cus it *is* the master race, right?)
B) Be rich (cus it costs money to buy off people's morals)
C) Be old (a young republican is known as cannon fodder)
D) Demand Democrats be held accountable to their words and actions, as long as Republicans are not.
E) Your political stance is strictly, rigidly, and concretely, conservative.
F) Lie about things so well, that you surprise yourself, when you tell the truth.

Yeah, I say let republicans keep this crap up. Next elections come by, and we'll have a few less republicans in congress.

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

Nithern says...

You must consider yourself pretty clever, but are you clever enough to realize that Rooks, Knights, Bishops and even the Queen are pawns? Its true that a Queen is more powerful than a Pawn, and certainly what better way is there to entice someone to your ends than by dangling the promise of promotion over their heads?

It's lasted me so far, and done its job in things. I'm not getting anything out of supporting Health Care Reform in USA. Thanks to Mass Health in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I already get the best health care. I would fairly wager, its better in content and amount then alot of other plans in other states. But experience and observation has taught me, that no one should be without health care coverage. Be they healthy or not. Young or not. Poor or not. Best way to deal with cancer, is to spot it early. Best way to fight alot of the diseases that ravage humanity (like AIDS, or H1N1), is to spot it early and eliminate it. Best way to deal with Depression, is to have more therapists who are trained to diagnosis it quickly, and work on someone to heal a deadly wound.

You want to play little games with other people's health?

But you are wrong to think that the Queen is the most powerful piece...the King is, for even though he can move but a space at a time, he has convinced every other member of the board to risk their lives in the service of his ends.

No, the King is not the most powerful. He's the most integrated component of the whole. Since, to win, a King must have one other peice. If both sides have just a King, its a forever stalemate. And obviously, you've never played Nightmare Chess from Wizards of the Coast.

So I guess I'll ask you again; how confident are you that you aren't playing the role of the pawn, spending, wasting, and even risking your life trying to obtain some carrot danging in front of your it women, knowledge, wealth, fame, power - all for the service of some king, who has his own agenda; one who equates the value of your life with that of an ordinary chess piece?

As I stated before, I'm not a pawn. To be a pawn, one must have something to gain. I myself have nothing to gain, nor lose, regardless of how health care reform turns out in the USA. Count me a liberal. But I do get concern with the health of my country men (and women). Their finanical well-being is key to solving this ressession that the USA is in. But if health care contuines on its current track, the amount Americans pay for health care will be about double what they do now. They cant afford it now. What planet do conservatives/republicans live on, that makes them think, Americans will afford it anymore in five years?

Mr. Obama, is not a King, nor a dictator. He's been holding himself responsible for his actions and words. Something the previous president could not accomplish. Might be one of the reasons, republicans arent in the White House.

Now, what if that chess peice you were talking about, held within it, a micro-chip containing the Cure to Cancer. How valuable would that be? How quickly do you think I would become a multi-TRILLIONAIRE?

Homophobic Christian Whines About Getting Fired

Nithern says...

<---MA resident, and Christian.

I work in Massachusetts, and that guy is an idiot. The company he works for, Brookstone, is well known in New England. They expect their employees to be professional. Professionals do not bring up politics or religion in the work place. When your outside of the office or company functions, THEN, you can air your crap about company and the idiots you work for. Just as long as those idiots aren't able to know you said, what you said about them.

While gay marriage is legal in MA, its not as common as straight marriage. Even upon hearing it from someone I knew, I laughed, not realizing they had said it. The person smiled and said she has gotten that already. That it takes a few seconds for the concept to sink in. Afterward I 'congrat' her, and asked who proposed and how.

Massachusetts is a pretty diverse beliefs, when it comes to religion. We have muslims, jews, christians, wiccans, taoists, buddists, athesits, agnostics, and a few who believe the way of the Jedi. Most are Christian. It stems in part, from our puritan roots with the Mayflower and the pilgrims.

Sounds like the guy was fired for being unprofessional, not because he's a christian.

I myself have no problem with gay marriage. Doesn't effect me. I'm not gay.

Bernie Sanders: I Will Filibuster Bill Without Public Option

Nithern says...

The public option is the one major difference between the Democratic bill and the Republican bill (besides the fact that the Republican bill would only cover 1/18th the population of the Democratic bill). The concept of the public option opens up competition. Right now, the health care industry likes not having competition bigger then an ogylopoly. To much competition would mean, their CEO's and upper level executives can't make salaries and benefits in the tens of millions a year. They'd have to accept a more realistic paycheck. So they are willing to spend big bucks to desceive you, the customer and citizen of the public option.

Right now , health care companies do not have to worry about the anti-trust laws like railroads do. The ten biggest health care companies could get together, and collude, in regards to you. Yes, YOU. They could decide to jack your rates up based on the following criteria:

A) If you live where they say you should live.
B) You buy the products and services, they say, you should buy, and how often.
C) Your vote, goes to their canidate for office. Whether its local, state, or federal.

Thats right, they can do this....RIGHT NOW....if they wanted to. Good luck, proving that they are doing it right now. My guess is, no judge would hear this case, and rack it up to conspiracy theories. A public option would help fight this concept, without having to create working anti-trust laws for the health care industry.

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