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Front Groups - The Hidden Persuaders

Nithern says...

The average 'joe' on the street has no idea what science really is and isnt. A scientific fact, is different from the layman's term of 'fact'. A scientific theory is the highest level of concept in science. A layman's 'theory' is a guess on something. Laymen hear of scientists discussing a theory. And then watchs them get in to an arguement over some fine detail. One scientists argues one set of 'facts', and the other, another set of 'facts'. He concludes that his original defination of 'theory' must still work. And never realizing, the two scientists do agree on alot of the information surrounding the topic, except on minor details between two different studies of some rock, fossil, or abstract concept in physics.

The Theory of Evolution, is a great example of this concept. The average 'Joe' knows, the Theory of Evolution competes with Creationism (or Intelligent Design) in schools. What the average 'Joe' doesnt realize, is that the two concepts are totally different on what they attempt to explain. A proper arguement on the concept of the planet Earth, would be, between Creationism and the Theory of Abiogenesis. Both sides argue different reasons for support of their idea towards the common 'Joe'. Scientists explain the need for a well educated workforce. The builders of tommorow, start with science today. Without proper understanding and teaching, the average 'Joe's country would get behind others in knowledge and skill. The Creationists, enphasis religion, piety, worship, and may play on the average 'Joe's sentaments of Christianity. Up till now, I've kept the concept generalized. But anyone with a real thought will understand this is a concept that's alive and well in America.

During the election of Mr. Obama as President of the USA. They found that 87% of scientists had voted for Mr. Obama, and like 7% voted for Mr. McCain (Mr. Obama's competitor). The remaining percentage, went to other canidates, or 'wrote in' someone (real or fictionist). Like wise, they found those with an education higher then 'high school diploma', voted for Mr. Obama. Those that had less then a 2-year college education, voted for Mr. McCain. Liberals tended to vote for Mr. Obama, and conservatives seem to vote for Mr. McCain. Mr. Obama's supports seem to be those that are often educated, while Mr. McCain's were not so well book-studied. So what does this all mean, with this video in mind you ask?

The Source of the information. I got this information a year ago, from I'm sure its still up on their site in the area. This information was also studied by several other organizations (each with their own reason for doing so). I stick with CNN, as they usually have their facts right. I do check with several other sources (like the Boston Globe, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, and even the BBC in England). I think Video Sift here as ALOT, of videos of Fox 'News' style of journalism.

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

Nithern says...

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In reply to this comment by Nithern

How confident are you that you aren't a pawn, about to be sacrificed as part of a game you didn't even realize you were playing?

Even pawns have the ability to become Rooks, Knights, Bishops, and (the most powerful peice in the game) the Queen. If I have to serve as a pawn for now, then that's how the game is played. Anyone that's played me in chess knows, I'm deadly with pawns.

SNL Lets Fox News Have It!

Nithern says...

This one was pretty good. Jon Stewart's performance of Mr. Beck was 'spot on', but this one was pretty good. And SNL did almost a perfect detail of the sort of stuff that's a normal occurance on Fox 'News'.


If [the] GOP was performance-based (number of honest and civil citizens) it would've been voted out long, long ago.

/end parody

House Passes Health Care Bill

Nithern says...

There are moments in my life, in which I experience good things: Getting Eagle Scout, Graduating from College, Getting my first car (which required a stiff drink when I got home), watching Mr. Obama become president.

There are moments in my life, in which I experience bad things: Death of my cat, passing of a lover, 9/11, watching my fellow Americans tear each other up on things.

I would have to put this moment, in the first group. Once this is passed, and years later, people will wonder why this wasn't done sooner.

The public option will be a good thing for this country. It'll force the health care companies, to exercise good business practices, offer more services and ammendies to its customers, at a lower cost, then it does now. It'll force the CEO and upper levels of executives to take paychecks and perks at far less then they do now. Because, if they don't, customers will simply go else where, and they do have long memories.

Rachel Maddow Laughs at Texas and More

Nithern says...

I had a serious illness a few years ago. The medical bill, if not insured (I did my homework out of intellectual curiousity), was $387,630. I'd like to see anyone not in the upper 8% of this nation's wealth afford this, WITHOUT going bankrupt. Yes, you STILL have to may the morgage on the house, and all the other expenses like cloths, food, gas, etc. Oh, and do this, when you dont have a job, because you were laid off, during a bad economy.

There's no way to do it. None.

Fortunately, I have and had, Mass Health (for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts), that paid for it. Yeah, I suffered on a level you will never know, nor understand, during that time period. You want to know what torture feels like? experience a year of what I went through. Anyone that has heard the tale and knows me, just is amazed at the horror ahd Hell I went through to get better (mostly).

I've come to understand the two sides of this: Republican and Democrat.

Republican: Do not want this, as its feared it will interfere with PROFIT. That's right, reduce the human equation down to numbers related to a substance that doesnt exist in the nature world: money. But then, I can not recall the last time I saw, heard, or witness a republican showing compassion for their fellow Americans, UNLESS, they themselves were also gaining from the act of compassion.

Democrats: Traditionally been the group that helps the workers out. Help pass structures and legal code that brought the worlding hours down in states from 60 to 40 hours a week. Put in a number of healthy life style provisions over the years. And now, they are doing something that benefits Americans for decades to come.

You can argue my words anyway you want. Republicans LIE to get what they want. They lied to get Bush in to office back in 2000. They lied on the energy crisis of 2003. They lied on Iraqq (no nuclear WMD, anyone?). They lied on Afghanistan. Some say they lied on 9/11. They lied on 'no nation building'. They lied for months on Health Care Reform. This video here, is simply showing, how often, and deeply, the lies go. We even have Winston above, showing us bold face lies.

You know Winston....

If you show up at the ER one night in catostophic pain, from an unknown source (be it a kidney stone, heart attack, etc). And the person there said "ok, you can access our hospital, but first, you must: A) Give us all your money B) Make yourself our slave, C) Give your body parts away for free. You WILL do so. Because, when someone is in that level of pain and suffering, they can not think straight, clearly, or consciously. Its a level of torture, someone like you, is unfamilar with. And yes, fortunately, the US hospitals (thanks to good legistation) prevent this sort of thing taking place. However, this sort of thing takes place outside of ER's every day in the US. You just choose not to see, hear, or witness it,


A Sane Republican

Nithern says...

This guy is so un-republican. He's NOT:

1) White
2) Old
3) Super Rich
4) Afraid of Socialistic Communism (how that works, I dont know)
5) Cares about those in his district
6) Has a spine

Yeah, this guy is so going to turn Democrat. Mr. Micheal Steele, 'head guy' for the GOP announced before this vote, that if anyone supported it, there would be harsh consequences. Well, Mr. Steele, is just a 'yes' man of his party. Someone that does what ever his GOP Masters tell him to do or say. I guess its rather sad when one thinks about it, with Mr. Steele. He's no more an a true American, then his Ancestor in bondage back before the Civil War on the plantations...

Demolition of a Skyscraper (38 seconds)

Nithern says...

I guess it would be to much to ask, to see a video of a building being destroy, without all the 9/11 conspiracy idiots ranting about alien's up their butt.

How building 1 & 2 collapse has been studied, restudied, and studied even further. The conspiracy regarding those two building's collapse takes tidbits of sequence, and say, the missing parts will justify the conspiracy once found. If, and IF, there was a conspiracy, don't you think SOMEONE, would have grown a conscious by now, to say something? Show evidence that it was an inside job?

Oh yeah, cus if such a person did, they would be killed by black ops, commando-style, and all real evidence would simply disappear, right?

Now, if you want to disprove EVERYONE, and that it had to be a controlled demolish, then just be a Mythbuster. Make a FULL replical of the WTC (building 1 or 2, since they are the same). Put a few tens of millions of dollars worth of office material (computers, chairs, desks, etc) within it. Then, crash a BIG plane in to it, and test the theory.

You just need a few billion dollars to pull it off. Good luck getting that kind of dough to blow....

Unruly Republicans Disrupt Health Care Debate

Nithern says...

An THAT, is what Republicans have become: immature adults. I guess the "Family Values" of Republicans is: disrepect others, disrepect authority, be obnoxious, be discurtesy, be LOUD, be dishonest, and most of all, be stupid. Yes, the 'I Object' was heard, but to repeat it, OVER, someone else talking, is just being an @sshole.

I do hope the citizens to which these people are from, hold them accountable and vote a democrat in to office in 2010. Since, Democrats seem to be the one's accomplishing good things for our country, and Republicans just sit, spin, and complain.

"I Object!" - Featuring Robot: Tom Price

Nithern says...

Yes, but when the Democrats did it, it was due to a war that the republicans couldnt justify beyond fear. Maybe Longde could point out to us all here at the Sift, the location(s) of all the nuclear WMD's we were suppose to have found in Iraq? You know, the #1 reason why we invaded that country?

This guy, just wishs to be obnoxious, unruly, disrespectful, and unconsiderate of others. Yes, saying 'I object' was heard. To keep doing it, while someone is talking is just rude. Its behavior that is allowed on conservative talk radio and Fox News. This idiot doesn't have enough brain cells to know, he's in a place that's neither Fox News, nor a conservative talk radio. In fact, he's a waste of oxygen.

The longer version, is simply republicans using the same tactic, to disrupt the flow of things. In fact, as one of the democrats put it, she was being censored. Where was the Sergeant of Arms on this? Frankly, in the old days, the Sergeant of Arms would have removed the fellow with a club to the head.

But hey, the health care bill they were deciding on here....pass. So Obama: 1 Republicans: 0

Rep. Todd Akin fails the pledge of allegiance

Dennis Kucinich Raises a Valid Point on Health Care

Nithern says...

A few months ago, the Boston Globe published an editorial comment on health care. Specificially, it was in regards to Mass Health (one of the health care models Democrats have been using as a test stage for a national process). Proponents of health care in Massachusetts (which state did you really think Mass Health was in?), said it would be a HUGE burden on Joe Taxpayer. That the cost would rise dramatically, and bankrupt the Massachusetts goverment inside ten years. To add further, would simply be, to give additional evidence of thier tactic: FEAR. Yes, they were and still are, afraid. They are afraid not just which they dont understand. They are afraid those that learn of them, will vote for the other guy in the next election.

The editorial, said that, for the 2010 MA Budget, was pretty high. Billions of dollars to run everything from schools, police, road health care (97% of the total MA residents have health care coverage). Yet, as it was pointed out, the total cost of Mass Health, was $88 million. The editor said this was 5/8ths of 1% of the total bill.

The Federal budget, for 2010, is $4.3 TRILLION dollars. This health care bill, is said to be $980 million. Any 'sane', 'rational', and 'wise' conservative (that eliminates about 97% of conservatives), in the audience, that could justify spending $3 Trillion dollars in six years, on a country outside of the USA, across an OCEAN, and literally almost on the other side of the planet? That is what has been spent, from 2003-2009 on Iraq. And what did we Americans get out of it, that is POSITIVE to us? Against, spending just under $1 trillion on AMERICA and AMERICANS, INSIDE, the USA. Giving upwards of 96% of Americans health care coverage, reduce the debt that we are in, lower the rate of medical bankruptcies we are currently experiencing, AND, make Americans healthy for ten years?

There isn't a sane, rational, or wise, conservative, that could raise a single justifiable answer as 'why not'. Those people, are on the side of getting health care for their fellow Americans. Because sometimes....expenses be damned! We hear from the mindless conservatives on a daily basis. They have not thought things through. We tried their methods, and their means, and it turned out to be our undoing. Right now, millions of our country men (and women...and children)....suffer. Now, we as Americans are taking responsibility for our actions. Righting a wrong that should have been dealt with a LONG time ago. Conservatives, have forgotten what it means to be an American.

TDS: The 11/3 Project

Beer truck flipped on an overpass

Lawrence O'Donnell - The Disgrace That is The Cheneys

Nithern says...

Mr. O'Donnel was doing well, until he brough up the issue of defirms from the draft. Miss Cheney was trying to bolster conservatives fears about Obama. When in reality, I would think anyone would be honored to have the President of the USA salute as their casket was carried. Seems Mr. Obama administration did some pre-emptive work, and made sure such an action, would be allowable by the families ahead of time. I'm guessing when the notice was found of the fallen, the administration contacted the families and ask them.

Miss Cheney, like other conservatives, are simply trying to find SOMETHING to nail Mr. Obama with. Its the SAME TACTIC the GOP used with Mr. Clinton for eight years. Good look up in the history books if you dont believe me. But in this case, Mr. Obama, shows having more class then Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney or his airhead of a daughter.

Biker Fail

Nithern says...

Well, the wall was not hard to see. The guy did notice it just at the last moment when he tries to stop. No, this guy must have hit the wall several times. The owner of said wall, installed a camera. Either for laughs at some idiot who lost a few more brain cells for not wearing a helmet. Or, to protect himself from lawsuits when this cyclist got enough brain cells together under one roof, to sue.

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