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Fallout 4 Gameplay Reveal - E3, 06/14/15

NirnRoot says...

Looks like Bethesda still hasn't mastered smooth animations. Still, it was never the graphics that made their games so popular; it was the joy of exploring a huge and open world. I doubt Fallout 4 will satisfy anyone who disliked their earlier titles, but for fans of Fallout 3 and Skyrim, this looks to be a blast, even if ultimately it is just "more of the same".

DOOM - E3 2015 Gameplay Trailer

NirnRoot says...

It looks like Call of Duty with an excess of blood and guts. It looks like Bethesda the saw the popularity of BrutalDoom and decided it was solely the gore and over-the-top fatalities that made it so loved.

Then again, its difficult to tell what is in-engine cutscene and what is actual gameplay (for instance, the "grab the shotgun" bit is almost certainly a cutscene) so it is probably to early to decide if the video is in any way indicative of the actual gameplay.

10328x7760 - A 10K Timelapse Demo

NirnRoot says...

Cree-eepy. I pulled my shades after watching this video.

I mean, this technology has existed for decades but only in the hands of governments; while no more trustworthy than anyone else, its limited availability meant the ordinary citizen was unable to be the target of close surveillanec. Now it's available to any consumer with a few kilobux to waste. In a decade or so we'll probably see this sort of resolution on our smartphones.

Privacy really is dead.

the last starfighter updated trailer

Melbourne in the 1940s

NirnRoot says...

I dunno, I was sort of disappointed. It looks pretty much like any generic 1940s city. I guess I was expecting more in the way of diesel-punk kangaroos or something.

Meanwhile in Australia

How the SR-71 Blackbird's Engines Work

NirnRoot says...

Minor (admittedly pedantic) nit: the plane on display on the Intrepid is an A-12, not an SR-71 Blackbird. The SR-71 is slightly longer and heavier, and can carry a larger sensor payload while the A-12 can fly faster and higher, but they are otherwise fairly similar (the Blackbird is a refinement of the A-12).

Still the closest many of us are ever going to get to a real SR-71 though.

And I second ChaosEngine's recommendation: if you are an aviation buff, the Intrepid is definitely worth a visit. The shuttle is really impressive up close too; it's amazing they got something so big and truck-like off the ground.

ChaosEngine said:

I did get to see one in person on the USS Intrepid in New York.

Frog Television - (Frogs Are Fascinated By Worm Video)

Amphibious boat/car/rescue vehicle that actually works!

NirnRoot says...

So... it's a Duck?

(Okay, admittedly the ability to raise the wheels in the water means it can navigate faster than the WW2 Duck - which had a top water speed of 5mph - but other than that it looks remarkably similar. And the DUKW had a 50mph top speed on land ;-)

Funny Cat Hop

When British People Give Commentary On American Football

What Is It Kitty? Has There Been a Catastrophe?

Life of a Space Invader

A bear playing Tetherball

Thieving Seagull Receives Instant Karma

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